Free Question/Answer Session about Tax Liens

I have arranged for one of the National Tax Lien Association board members to come on a call every Thursday from 4-5 PST (7-8 EST) to answer any questions callers might have about tax lien investments. Just send me an e-mail and I'll register you,">

PS: There is nothing to buy, this is simply a free question/answer session


  • JohnLocke6th March, 2003


    This certainly looks like an advertisement to me.

    Now if you can tell me abosolutely and positively that at no time will anyone who signs up will ever be asked for any money then fine. If not totally free then it is an advertisement.

    What say you Dynamic?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Dynamic6th March, 2003

    no selling here... just free info to help people avoid the costly mistakes by investing through tax liens in certain states. There are only about 10-12 states that prove profitable in tax lien investments, most people don't know this and end up investing in bad liens that result in them losing money. But hey, free info is only for those who want it.

  • JohnMichael6th March, 2003


    I have checked this program out and yes the basic intro is free, but there is a lead in for a fee for service is their not.

    You really never answered John L directly on the fee issue.

    Looks like your trying to be a little slippery with the verbiage.

    I suggest you read the posting policy at TCI!


  • Dynamic6th March, 2003

    Okay, let me spell it out: no fee, not now, not in the future. However, since it's so hard to offer free advice about tax lien investments, I'd like to withdraw this posting. Good luck to you all.

  • JohnLocke6th March, 2003

    John Michael,

    It is good to know that niether one of us got hurt when we fell of the Turnip Truck.

    Later JM.

    John $Cash$ LOcke

  • JohnMichael6th March, 2003

    This was take from their web page at

    At Dynamic Investment Solutions, LLC, we offer you the ability to be rewarded for helping others. Our attorneys have helped us formulate an Independent Referral Agent Agreement where you have the unique opportunity to earn a commissionable income from each client you help by referring them to these systems.

    The words state: opportunity to earn a commissionable income!

    If there is no fee charged than what does commissionable income mean?

    Folks TCI is here to help folks. I do not suggest support of this group since there seems to be a truth issue here.

    Nothing like a knight ridding in to help us all or should I say "horns" since we seem to need their help!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME A BRAKE!

    This is just my opinion and not that of TCI and their owners.

    I take full owner ship of my own comments.

  • Grumpy7th March, 2003

    Guys and Gals,
    I'm not sure what's going on here...but it sounds like most of you can't believe that good advice still does come free once in a while.
    I'm not advocating for this company, and I only invest small amounts in tax liens, but if it wasn't for Zach at the Lennox Group, I wouldn't slowly but surely make the profits I do. Yes, Lennox is a full service company, if you want them to be. But I have been dealing with them for over a year and not once have I been pushed to invest with them. They are simply here to help people avoid costly mistakes. How many of you actually do have liens? And how many of you can give us horror stories about the experience?

    From what I understand, this new company, Dynamic Investment Solutions, they are the new marketing arm for Lennox and they are the ones putting on the free tele-conferences. I participated during last night's call for the first time and have to admit that it was absolutely invaluable and informative. Zach told the 40+ people online that they are more than welcome to call him for free advice and gave out his 800-number.

    Why knock something good?

  • JohnMichael7th March, 2003


    The point is they stated no selling here! Not a true statement.

    The fact is when one signs up at TCI it is agreed no selling short of becoming a partner of TCI.

    TCI is a free site for folks to learn, not for folks to use to market a service without going through TCI owners.


    Success 2003 - One Student And One Deal At A Time - REI will change your life in 2003[ Edited by JohnMichael on Date 03/07/2003 ]

  • InvestorDiva12th March, 2003

    I just joined the board tonight and already am amazed at how small the world is. I actually read about this company a while back and decided to talk to them (even recommended them in another post). There indeed is nothing to buy through this company, it's simply a free service, free calls, free advice, free newsletter. What they do do, however, is endorce professionals who purchase tax liens on behalf of their clients and those supposedly charge a fee.

    I was also told that their calls are so popular that they added a second call on Saturdays. I definitely plan on being there. Personally, all I can tell you is that I agree with Grumpy (where the hell did your name come from?) wherever there is free information regarding this topic, I'm there. Tax lien is a big animal to tackle and I'm glad I have help.

    Investor Diva

  • JohnLocke12th March, 2003


    Let me tell you who John Michael is. He is a well respected pro investor in this community, who shares with all who ask for his help.

    He taken time out of his busy schedule and has written several informative articles that we all appreciate.

    Now the company that you represent has contributed Zip, Zero, Nada, except trying to get some "free advertising", which is against the policies of this forum.

    So I would suggest to this community DO NOT do business with this company.

    If you want to know who the hell I am, I am the guy who can with a click can delete your post or if you get smart with me ban you from this forum.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • InvestorDiva12th March, 2003

    I'm actually reading through all of John Michael's stuff on this board. Great stuff indeed!

    I can certainly appreciate all the information on this board and look foward to learning more from everyone here.

  • 11th April, 2003

    Please email me a list of those bad states that are not worth having tax leins.
    On 2003-03-06 16:01, Dynamic wrote:
    no selling here... just free info to help people avoid the costly mistakes by investing through tax liens in certain states. There are only about 10-12 states that prove profitable in tax lien investments, most people don't know this and end up investing in bad liens that result in them losing money. But hey, free info is only for those who want it. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">

  • 11th April, 2003

    I will take advise from an experienced investors with proven strategies. I am a beginner and am glad to hear the best to the worst stories with anything else I need to know. Please email me free advise information anytime.
    On 2003-03-07 13:33, Grumpy wrote:
    Guys and Gals,
    I'm not sure what's going on here...but it sounds like most of you can't believe that good advice still does come free once in a while.
    I'm not advocating for this company, and I only invest small amounts in tax liens, but if it wasn't for Zach at the Lennox Group, I wouldn't slowly but surely make the profits I do. Yes, Lennox is a full service company, if you want them to be. But I have been dealing with them for over a year and not once have I been pushed to invest with them. They are simply here to help people avoid costly mistakes. How many of you actually do have liens? And how many of you can give us horror stories about the experience?

    From what I understand, this new company, Dynamic Investment Solutions, they are the new marketing arm for Lennox and they are the ones putting on the free tele-conferences. I participated during last night's call for the first time and have to admit that it was absolutely invaluable and informative. Zach told the 40+ people online that they are more than welcome to call him for free advice and gave out his 800-number.

    Why knock something good?

  • DrWho22nd April, 2003

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to tax lien investing and when someone knowledgeable, like DYNAMIC, offer to give free advice, I jump on that opportunity.

    I called Françoise and found her to be one of the nicest, caring person. She is only trying to put together a definitive book on Tax Liens and Deeds so that we do not have to pay exhorbitant seminar prices. She has taken away that misleading webpage. It's all a misunderstanding folks.

    Francoise gave me more information in my 20 minutes conversation with her than I have gathered at this website. In fact, she saved me from investing in the wrong Tax Liens. She is conducting a free seminar this Thursday and you bet I am going to it (rather than paying $600 seminar fees).

    I appreciate TCI though and hope John Locke will not ban me.

  • Dynamic24th April, 2003

    Well thank you, Dr. Who, for the nice chat the other day and I'm glad to have helped! Thanks for the encouragement.

  • JohnLocke24th April, 2003

    Dynamic & DrWho,

    No, beef from me I have you at your word that this is a totally free sevice to the community members here.

    Then so be it. I am looking forward to your input to help the investors here.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Dynamic25th April, 2003

    JohnLocke, we're cool. I just realized that your location is Nevada. Did you know Nevada is becoming a tax lien state next year? I'm sure you'll be excited to have your own auctions in your own backyard. I certainly plan on being at the first auction. Maybe we could even meet in person.

  • nick_crawley6th August, 2003

    well i am from florida is there any advice for me i am just beginning. please write back.

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