Free Private Messages Now Available on TCI to all Members!

We are happy to announce that Private Messaging is FREE on

By making it free to all members, we expect Private Messaging to be the main way for users to network and interact with each other while they are searching for deals, doing deals, or just simply asking questions and providing advice.

TCI members who currently have our "free" subscription will be allowed to send 5 messages per month. Each message sent will have a five minute time period restriction to compose and send each one. This will prevent users from abusing the Private Messaging system and using it to spam other members.

Any TCI member who has a "paid-for" subscription with TCI will have access to Unlimited Private Messaging capabilities and there will be no 5 minute constraint. Again, we are trying to protect our members from unwanted spam and anyone willing to pay for a subscription should take their work seriously.

This FREE private messaging feature will give Forum Moderators the privilege to talk to members at their own discretion; as they haven't had the ability to do so in the past.

We also plan on having people who are interacting with the property listings to Private Message the user rather than contacting them through email.

Over the course of the year, we have found that sending Email messages to our members is not a reliable course of communication.

AOL customers have complained to our Tech Support team that they aren't receiving messages from us. We have found that password reset and new user signups are being flagged as spam. This of course is an AOL issue preventing us to communicate with these users.

Because of these email communication problems, Private Messaging will be a far more reliable form of communication.

We do have plans in the future for users to market their properties to their favorite TCI members, and by doing this through Private Messages, it will be faster and less of a workload on our email servers.

Thanks for being a part of the Largest Real Estate Investing Community


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