Free Foreclosure Course???

I received an e-mail from a foreclosure web site, known to this site (I won't mention the name cause I don't want to advertise) and it says that I will receive a free Foreclosure Toolkit if I give them my Credit Card info and Security Code to cover processing which is $6.95.

My question is has anyone received anything like this and should I trust them?

I have only a partial name ( N. Peterson) and I'm a little leary about who I send my Credit Card Info. confused confused confused


  • rajwarrior12th October, 2003

    Someone is soliciting you for your credit card number and social sec # and you're even considering it?
    This is the most common way for crooks to steal your identity. In short, don't.

    Very possible that it isn't even the real website but a scam artist posing as it.


  • Gonzo12th October, 2003

    Hi rajwarrior,

    No it's not my SS# it's the Security Code behind the Credit Card.

    Thanks for getting back so quick.

  • kingmonkey13th October, 2003

    Dude, that is a red flag if I've ever seen one. When a person has your card # and security code they can use it anywhere. I wouldn't trust them and I sure as hell wouldn't give them ANY information. If it isn't a company I approached to purchase goods from them and they are soliciting me, I don't give them crap. I don't care who they are. I've had my card # stolen twice in the last year and it's not plesant. Just stay away from it.

    Just my two cents

  • vlynn00713th October, 2003

    Don't do it!! I had my credit card stolen when I got a so called "free" scholarship info book, but I had to pay a $6.95 for shipping. I never got the book and I got over $700 worth of charges to my credit card!! It took me 3 months to get everything cleared up and get the credit back on my creditcard. The fraud dep for my credit card advised me to be very careful whom you give your creditcard info to specially on the web.
    BTY I responded to an email I got from this so called "free" scholarship info site.. They have since been put out of business.. turns out it was some hackers selling credit card info.

    I can't say that this website that contacted you does the same thing, but I honestly don't think it is worth the risk. My advise if you really want to check this toolkit out is to ask them where to mail a money order to. So you pay only what you are getting. That way if you are out any it is only about $7.00.. It might also only be preliminary info to use as a hook to get you to buy "more in depth" info manueal/toolkit...

    Carpe Diem,

    Veronica[ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 10/13/2003 ]

  • Dmitry13th October, 2003


    I am completely amazed of how many people (naturally born US citizens) are not able to recognize neon sign on every scam like this. If someone would approach you on the street and ask you for your bank account and a secret word would you give it to him?

    How is this case any different???

    Many novice investors soo-o-o-o desperate to get quick short cuts for the BIG money that they completely losing any sense of reality in pursuing “learn quick and free” techniques. I sure hope that no one providing their credit card information and code on a first email request from stranger will attempt to go and invest into the Real Estate.

    You, my dear friend, have much to learn about common sense and business in general if you even considering giving away your personal info for a promise of the free cheese. There is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING free in this world. If someone cared enough to drop you that email, then he has an agenda behind it (my guess not a favorable for you).

    Friends, lets do our due diligence and exercise common cense in every day life as well as in the Real Estate Investment.


    [ Edited by Dmitry on Date 10/13/2003 ]

  • RepoMan13th October, 2003

    Over 30,000 people, last year, in the New York City area were victims of identy theft....need I say more?


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