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Let's take a look at some of the comments I have been seeing lately.

tinman1755, Lori here is a comment you made.

"The people who want to contact him could go to his webpage and look at the information. This would keep the website out of it."


By the way your last post was an ad, but I am glad you did because now I will answer.

How does this keep TCI's web site out of it? Where do you think commercialking's web site is posted on the MSN web site or yours for that matter. Commercialking has asked me by PM in the past about some things he wanted to do, presently there is no way to do it without breaking the policies, however this will change shortly.

How do you think this web site is maintained and improved upon?

Revenues from advertising plays a very vital role in how this web is able to improve and give members various items to help them in their investing careers. In the past it has been from the sales of products from the Channel Partners, now it is a combination of many things.

You are a Mortage Broker and apparently do very well, even said you have some folks from TCI, yet I do not see you in Lender Finders did I miss your company there?

Rather than seem like I am pointing you out, let me explain my position.

I have been working with Joel and the Webb group on some ideas to generate revenues for this site, as I have been doing for the past several years. The past TCI convention, yep you guessed it.

Mainly it concerns an advertising program, which I am putting together, not for me, but for this site and it's members, so the members here have just about every conceivable means to help them become successful in this great industry. I will be announcing this program shortly.

So to all the ones posting who have something to gain and post to gain, which is quite obvious at times, I say you are not going to post under your name what your business is, pm me or email me, you are going to have to advertise appropriately if you expect to keep on posting for business. If anyone is that damn good at what they do then take out an ad and let everyone know what you do, don't sneak it in posts thinking you are not being noticed.

If you are proud of what you do, then do it with some class. Advertising is a way of life always has been, without it we would be corresponding by stone tablets.

I was buying banner ads to help this site when there were 300 members, because I knew what Joel was trying to accomplish was a good thing for creative investing and I wanted to help, I am smart enough to figure out that paying for banner ads on a site with 300 members that I would have been better off with a loud speaker on a corner some where.

John $Cash$ Locke


  • tinman175524th May, 2004


    I am a very sucessful Mortgage Broker and Real Estate Retailer. I would love to get on your Lender's Tab, I am constantly giving the information to our marketing department at AEF. I do not make those decisions. I own Nu Image Real Estate & Development. I have nothing to advertise, my company only deals in the City of Pittsburgh and a few surrounding townships and boros.

    Actually when I first came to this website, I probably did everything that was not allowed. As you know I' haven't been in jail for months.
    This is a good website and it is informative to a degree.

    There is a lot of misleading information. There is also a lot explaining of "how to get out of doing the right thing" But I feel everyone has to figure things out for themselves. I do agree that there are a lot of scams. That is why I tell people REI is not a get rich quick thing done overnight. There are no easy answers when dealing with people on a website. This is the first website I ever paid money to be on. So I must feel that it is well informative.

    I did pay $24.95 which got me the right to post my website, so it is not free advertising. It is cheap advertising, not free.

    I feel that the people will contact who they feel is most credible. I do not PM people unless I am replying to their PM.

    Should there be a feature like Commercialking suggested? I feel that everything is in my profile and if people want to reach me they can. I was just stating that he had the same option, and that it works.


  • JohnLocke25th May, 2004


    For those that complain about the small amount invested to become a member I would say this.

    In a few posts that I have made I noted that in a persons profile they can list their web site, which when you think about the benefits of being able to do this is worth the price alone of membership here at TCI.

    If you have announcements, are looking for a mentor, are looking for properties, are a bird dog, mortgage broker or whatever the case may be if you have a web site then use it for the above purposes, plus any other information you care to advertise. However, this is where you can do it without violating the rules of this site.

    For those just starting out there is no investment to post here, they have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers and to learn.

    There are currently some excellent benefits of being a member of this site, with some great new features in the works, that every member will see very shortly.

    For those not utilizing their profiles they should be.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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