Fraud Protection

This was an article in the Chicago Tribune.

"Foreclosure-fraud shields adopted


By Tribune staff

June 2, 2006

Gov. Rod Blagojevich signed legislation Thursday that will provide protections

against fraud for homeowners who are in default or foreclosure.

Foreclosures in Illinois jumped 32 percent in the first quarter, and the state

has seen a huge growth in so-called mortgage rescue services.

There are two types. The first are consultants who promise the owner they can

save the home by negotiating with lenders. The second are property purchasers

who offer to let owners rent the property until they get back on their feet.

The legislation requires that all mortgage rescuers provide disclosures and give

owners the right to cancel contracts. It also requires that the rescuer provide

the owner with at least 82 percent of the value of the home if the owner is

unable to buy it back from the rescuer.

Copyright (c) 2006, Chicago Tribune"


  • finniganps2nd June, 2006

    I guess this means that there will be more foreclosures....

  • ttime5th June, 2006

    "It also requires that the rescuer provide the owner with at least 82 percent of the value of the home if the owner is unable to buy it back from the rescuer. "

    How do some of you interpet this? Do you think this will hold true even if you are purchasing the house outright without leasing, renting, or selling back to the owner?

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