Frank Discussion On Courses/books

Is there any information covered by Darius Barazandeh materials which aren’t covered by Larry Loftis’s materials?

How about the Rogue investor course? Has anybody on here purchased it?

Is there a course out there which focuses more on tax deeds. Tax liens seem more complex than deeds. I really can’t stand the thought of being at an auction with other bidders lowering the % to a point where if the owner redeems you won’t make any money.


  • sjhartless8th July, 2005

    go to a sale without the intention of buying. You will enjoy it immensely, learn a lot and it will give you a big boost when you go for real

  • GQ12th July, 2005

    I’m going to buy the Barazandeh course. In the bullets he uses to describe his material there were multiple things mentioned I didn’t see in the other book and course I bought. He provides a 13 page description of his materials. It’s professionally written the website isn’t full of explosive colors he doesn’t give you tons of fluff on why you should buy this course. He is attitude seems to be I’ll tell you everything take it or leave it and if you take it here is my number and email.

    As long as I have extra money I will always buy courses because you never know where the gold nuggets will come from.

  • GQ13th July, 2005

    Another one I want to put on blast is Cashflowexperts! I swear they email me everyday. I did sign up but dag LOL! They must have a million courses or something. Has anybody purchased any of these courses? Are the banks he says he has in pocket really that investor friendly? Cashflow makes some bold claims. Their frequency of email submission kinda makes me leary of them.

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