Franchise Thoughts

Would like all your thoughts on the idea of buying a Real Estate franchise. In particular a company like Homevestors. How much would you as beginners pay to have a company that is experienced come in and help you set up your real estate business? What do you think the advantages, disadvantages to it would be?


  • joefm2627th February, 2005


  • InActive_Account27th February, 2005

    Ask them they will tell you all the benifits and them you can decide.

  • bargain7627th February, 2005

    To: Joe fm76: Do you really want an honest opinion?
    I investigated a Homevestors franchise about 3 years ago. I received their package, all their books, etc.

    All I can say is that a Franchise Agreement is an UGLY set of documents. First of all, they require that you must have at least a storefront.... no more working out of your home... and it goes downhill from there. You must: buy your business cards and all other printed material from them. You must share with other franchise holders the leads that come in. You must give the franchise a healthy percentage of sales, etc., etc.,etc. They call the shots. You jump thru the hoops.

    I decided against owning a Homevestors franchise. The $120K I would have tied up with Homevestors, I bought my first two houses with.

    If you wish, read all of their material, absorb their system, realize that what they are really providing you is the SELF CONFIDENCE to buy your first house.

    Then go do it yourself and make big bucks, not just what they leave you on the table.

    Just my humble opinion, of course. JK

  • joefm262nd March, 2005

    Good thoughts anyone else?

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