Found A Lender With No Seasioning Reqs! Now What?
Now that I found a lender who does not have seasoning requirements, I am setting up a tentative meeting to discuss a possible business relationship. Since these loans are not for me, but rather buyers I will be flipping to, how should I approach this meeting? Do I just let them know that I will be bringing in business for them? Anything else I'm missing?
Thanks in advance,
there are many lenders that don't require seasoning on property. Where the catch is if your buyers qualify for that program. I usually buy two properties, sell one, rent one, both are bought with cash, fixed up. I can get my own property refinanced within 2 weeks of it being rehabbed and rented. My buyers usually don't qualify for those programs, but it is a numbers game and I get it done GOOD LUCK!!
Who is the lender? I am sure that people on this forum would like to know a lender with no seasoning requirments.
Who is the lender. We would all like to know.
TCF Bank. I think they're based here in Colorado.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not require seasoning either. There are basically 50 plus banks that use fm/fm guidelines. but it is hard to find the right person to do the this sometimes, most brokers are lazy