Forum Leaping

Since the inception of the "Commercial" section...when I try to switch from the "ShortSaleForum" to the "****This URL Not allowed****"
I have to go thru several steps...

Is there an easy way to leap from one residential forum to another residential forum without having to go into and out of Commercial?


  • JohnLocke11th April, 2005


    If you lock the post and someone gets hosed by these folks which will surely happen, then it is important that they post it in this thread.

    I repeat look at Princess Properties and Dorean, it only gets worse and it like Larry says it shows the newperson to beware.

    Wallace has steel pins holding his head up (seriously), so all you will need is a large magnet to fend him off. If you read between the lines he is seeking help and wants to be assured what he is doing is right, so far his water treatment of the drips on his forehead is starting to wear thin. He just posted in the Mobile Home forum asking questions which is a good sign, without any mention of NR.

    Instead of "I am not scared of" how about "I look forward to any challenge you may believe NR has to offer, as I am the best at what I do in my field and will continue to be." Nancy, you are so tell it like it is.


  • norrist11th April, 2005

    If you are looking for votes, freezing it would seemingly kill the proverbial two birds...I think that is a good idea...

  • JohnLocke11th April, 2005


    Then do what you must, if you delete it or lock it he wins, because it shows we were to weak to stand up to him and let the board be aware of it.

    There are others who have already seen this thread, since it has gone as far as it has, then he can say "they (meaning us) could not stand the heat in the kitchen so I was right in what I said."

    It should have stopped when Mark opened fire - period. By letting it go is how NR plays the game and then says well looks like they could not handle our great program so they deleted or locked it whatever the case maybe.

    We defended our positon, this is what we do, no sense winning all the battles and losing the war.



  • JohnLocke11th April, 2005


    Nancy expressed this concern about Hobbs showing up to me on the phone the other day and really believe he would no do this, if there were the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, I would send him a message that would be very plain to him should he even think about it he would have a serious problem with me.

    Why would he jepordize everything he has to start trouble, does not make any sense to me, he is a family man and I am sure has a disabilty pension from the service.


  • JohnLocke11th April, 2005


    You deleted it but I think you asked where his property was located, so this is one reason I gave his url so if anyone could figure out where his properties were located they could check them out.


  • jfmlv195012th April, 2005

    Let me add something else.

    I have see him posting here and on other sites plus his own sites.

    I’m wondering if we actually have an individual who not only is looking for a place to “Hang his hat” to learn, but also a place where he can be in charge.

    A person with that many years of military service under his belt, does not think the same way as a normal regular civilian does. I’m ex Navy with 15 plus years active duty and reached the rank of Chief Petty Officer. From day one in the Navy, enlisted personal are told if you have a question “Go ask the Chief”. Wallace Hobbs may be in that situation right now where he needs to have someone asking him for guidance and needs guidance himself to answer those questions. At the same time, not knowing any better he got caught up with this “BS” NR group.

    I’m not saying we should try to rescue Hobbs from NR as others have been rescued and deprogrammed from other Cults, but I ask the question how do we help the newbies that read this crap from becoming trapped like Hobbs was from this group or the next one?

    We have all read what happened to Hibby and this group. If you need to be reminded, here is the link to his review

    I believe we are all in agreement that this is a bad group. At what point do we try to help the members here from making that same mistake and how far do we go to do this? How far are our responsibilities to the membership? Yes, JL is correct in that it appears that Dorean Group and Princess Properties have burned themselves out; so should we let NR also go away by themselves or should we help them along?

    Not trying to be confrontational, just asking a few questions to think about before going to bed.

    John (LV)

  • JohnLocke12th April, 2005


    Saw the ad myself this am from him, also some attorney with the subliminal advertisng also, looks like John Merchant got him as it is gone now.

    I could not agree more it is not fair for these hutlers to advertise. Even as a Channel Partner they must abide by the policies of TCI, if they are so smart, then let them write a course, not not play off the backs of someone who pays to have their products listed on TCI .

    $Cash$[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 04/12/2005 ]

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