Fortune Mailer(Emmatek) Vs. Direct Mail Software ( Scott Rister)

Do you guys have any suggestions on which software is better to use for my direct mail compain?
Fortune Mailer( vs. Direct Mail Software ( Scott Rister at find motivated sellers .com)
and how about Fortune Maker from the Emmatek website, any expirience with that?

Thanks ,

[ Edited by Red_October on Date 10/06/2004 ]

[ Edited by Red_October on Date 10/06/2004 ][ Edited by Red_October on Date 10/06/2004 ]


  • active_re_investor6th October, 2004

    I know nothing about the two packages suggested.

    How large will the mailings be? You could use something simple (spreadsheet).

    There is also as an alternative. Not specific to RE but a hosted service with a real database underneath. Designed for marketing campaigns and other such things.


  • InActive_Account6th October, 2004

    Why do you need software to send direct mail?

  • saniche6th October, 2004

    Try ACT! I have started using this and it's much more robust than one of the products you've mentioned. Not sure of the other. But hands down it is a kick ya in the rear program! I've only been using this for about 4 months and every week I am figuring out more and more ways to stream line my direct mail, phone calls, document management... you name it!

  • ncboater13th October, 2004

    From talking with Scott at my last REI meeting. You can set this up anyway you want to. I will be purchasing his direct mail product in a couple of weeks. The thing I like about it is that you can almost become fully automated for your mailings. You can set-up your own time frames when they need to get mailed and also which letter or post card neesd to go where. He offers free help to get you set-up. I plan on setting up letters to out-of state owners, divorcee, attorney's, mortgage brokers, foreclosures etc. It seem's like the sky's the limit in which way you want to set it up.

  • Hlevin21st December, 2004

    RE: Fortune Mailer(Emmatek)

    I purchased their software at a price of $1000. It was to have included a data base of the county of my choice. When the cd w/ the data base arrived, I noticed many zipcodes were not complete. ( My test was to put my name in and several of my properties were not included) I have been trying for months to solve this problem, phone calls, emails, letters. I have spoken with several different people who assure me the problem wil be fixed "next week" and so and so will call me. I have not yet ever recieved a response to any my of my communications nad of course, the data base has not been corrected. BEWARE!!!!

  • Red_October21st December, 2004

    Thanks Hlevin,
    I did end it up purchasing Emmatek software as well and have notice exact the same problem.


  • NeeChee27th December, 2004

    Hey Red,
    Do you use Retran or CountyRecordsResearch? I am interested in splitting the costs of a large scale mailing campaign with someone else, I do the South Central, Mid City area. Would you be interested? **Please See My Profile**

  • JeffAdams27th December, 2004

    [ Edited by JeffreyAdam on Date 08/07/2005 ]

  • helpfulinvestor15th January, 2005

    I found the Emmatek software to be so unreliable as to be worthless. A connection to their server is required for the software to work, and if their server is down or your internet access is unavailable, the software doesn't even run. I have the Scott Rister software, but haven't tried to use it. For my purposes, pumping Retran data into Act! 6 and using Word to generate letters seems to work fine. Yes, I still need to get the Retran data over the internet, but once it's on my computer, the rest of the process works without needing an internet connection.

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