Formula For Figuring Yield?

Is there a formula for figuring the yield out in a deal?
Example buy for $2500.00 sell for $4500.00 what is the yield? Is it as simple as 2500 divided by 4500?
any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • fredman2264th May, 2005

    awwww, yeppp

  • mojojojo_14th May, 2005

    it may "slow" down in california, but barely. Since that rate doesnt actually affect 1st mortgage rates, and since last month was a record in cali for the most new homes sold.
    also, buildiers are building 1000 house too few a month for demand.
    hopefully it will stabilize it...

    Wonder and showing how young I am...
    Since prime directly changes rates on credit cards and seconds, back in late 80 when prime was 18%, were credit cards charging 35%?
    I mean my dell was 30% today, does that mean it was 48% back then? scary thought

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