Forming A Braintrust In Philadelphia

Hello everyone. I'm going to be getting started soon, and this site has been a tremendous help. Great, informative responses to every topic I have posted. I'd like that trend to continue.

I'm looking into CREI groups in the Philly area. One (DIG) is having their monthy meeting this Thursday. I may attend and see how I like it.

I'd like to know if there's anyone else out there who belongs to a group or is interested in forming a group. Investors of all levels are welcome, of course the guys with experience are VERY welcome. Prepare to have your brain picked.

I'm just throwing this out there. Thanks.


  • yipes27th January, 2004

    I've been a member of DIG for 2 years now. Are u proposing starting up another investor club? Interesting. I may go to this meeting on thursday.What part of Philly are u from?

  • HOLLERatG27th January, 2004

    I live right above center city near the waterfront. That's also where I plan on beginning my farm. If road conditions don't approve by Thursday, I may pass. I already damaged my car going to work on Monday (idiot ran me into a guardrail), so my wife is paranoid about me being on the road.

    I'm not looking to rival DIG or anything. I just thought it would be cool to sit around with people like me or people with experience and have some discussions.

    Doing anything on your own is very hard and very scary. Having peers is a great way to cope. They're like buffers bewteen you and the cold, cruel world of independent living. That's why I enjoy this site so much.

  • jackman27th January, 2004

    i'm there holler! i don't go to DIG, nor am i a member, but i'm always with meeting like-minded people - especially locally.

    let me know what you want to do and maybe we could get some work done together. i'm still new to this, but i could have some input and we could both help each other out.

  • pointafter27th January, 2004

    I'm interested in an area club as well. There seems to be a shortage in the SE PA area, and DIG seems to cover a massive area. Unfortunately, it would be difficult for me to get to Plymouth Meeting by 6:45pm on a work night - especially now <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_mad.gif">

    I was planning to look into the Lancaster area club to see if it's closer and/or has a meeting time I can make without road rage. If not, I was going to try DIG after the ice melts.

    Keep me posted. I'm just getting started and would like to meet people who don't think I'm nuts for trying this. [ Edited by pointafter on Date 01/28/2004 ]

  • HOLLERatG28th January, 2004

    It sounds like thee are quite a few people who would like to get together. Maybe if we get enough people we can set something up in a few weeks during the weekend. I've already heard from four people, so this might be a go.

    It's good to know. Thanks, guys.

  • kingT29th January, 2004

    Count me in .I think it would be very motivational for some of us newbies and hopeful some vets to get together and kick around some ideas, it would probably help me get over my enertia.

  • chris12203rd February, 2004

    I'm in!! I don't know much about the philly market. My area is primarily the Southeastern and surrounding suburban areas. Things have been going well thusfar, so PM me and I'll give you my contact info

  • Mathjack7773rd February, 2004

    I'm a member of DIG but I'd also like to be a part of a small investor's group.

  • edickens8219th February, 2004


    Just wondering if this group was ever established. I am currently in the Northwest area (Germantown, Mt. Airy, Oak Lane).

    Sounds like a great idea.

    **Please See My Profile**

  • active_re_investor20th February, 2004

    I am interested. I have been investing for years. Having recently married someone from the local Phil area I have taken an interest in investments there.


  • gbayne224th February, 2004

    also wondering if this group was ever established??? If not, why not? if so, i'm interested in joining.

    I'm a delco investor!

  • HOLLERatG25th February, 2004

    Just to update. I'm going to attend the DIG meeting this Thursday. I'm excited to see what's possible when you're surrounded by people in the same business who are anxious to help you, because by helping you, they help themselves by getting future deals.

    That said, I've been very encouraged by the response this post has generated. I will definetely explore the possibility of getting together really soon.

    If any of you would like to stay in contact with me, or if you have an idea of a good place where we can hold our meetings, PM me and include your email address. About a dozen people have either posted here or PM'd me about forming a group, so I think it would go well. I would like to push for a Saturday meeting time, since most of us still have J.O.B.s. I myself work Mon - Thur, but I know most of you work Fri too. Saturday afternoon sounds like a good time to me.

    Thanks again, hope to hear from you.

  • spoons2325th February, 2004

    I'd very much be interested in meeting with others in the area. I'm an attorney and am currently in the process of forming my own title company. I invest mainly in Delco for rentals and also do some flipping in philly (mainly in northern lib/fishtown area). If someone wants to share coordination responsibilities, I'd be willing to form a group. I've been meaning to get to a DIG meeting, but it always seems to conflict with something else.

  • leok2153rd March, 2004

    I'm a total newbie, putting out feelers and trying to get educated -- I'd definitely be interested in a Philly based group.

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