
Were can I find a form to allow an individual to give me the investor the authorization to negotiate a short sale on there behalf with the bank. smile [ Edited by brian3333 on Date 02/16/2004 ]


  • robpaddock17th February, 2004


    Lender: ______________________________________________________________
    Lender Fax # or Address: ________________________________________________
    Account or Loan #: _____________________________________________________
    Borrower(s) : __________________________________________________________
    Property Address: ____________________________________________________
    Date: ____________________________

    I hereby authorize you to release any and all information regarding my loan, including loan status, interest rate,
    payoff amount, amount of monthly payment, late charges, penalties, and fees (if applicable) to:

    Your company Name

    It is requested that this information be faxed immediately to: Fax Number

    Borrower Name: _______________________________
    Borrower SSN: _______________________________
    Borrower Signature: _______________________________
    Spouse Name: _______________________________
    Spouse SSN: _______________________________
    Spouse Signature: _______________________________
    Date Signed: _______________________________

  • MikeWood19th February, 2004

    Now that is service !!!!!!!

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