Foreclosures In Ca., Fl., Etc.

In Iowa, my courthouse has a list of foreclosures as soon as the judgement is filed, typically 3-4 months after they stop making payments. I just spoke with a courthouse in florida and they said they have no such list, is this true? What other way is there to solicit to foreclosures in these states?


  • InActive_Account8th September, 2006

    Where in Florida? Specifically, which county?

  • Ruman8th September, 2006

    Seminole and Orange preferrably. I have friends that live down there willing to go wherever to get these for me.


    On 2006-09-08 00:21, panicfilms wrote:
    Where in Florida? Specifically, which county?

  • TheShortSalePro14th September, 2006

    I guess it would depend upon the instrument which conveyed the mineral rights...

    If the mineral rights were sold while the real estate was mortgaged, the mortgagor would/should have sought a partial release of mortgaged premises...

    Otherwise, the mineral rights would still be subject to the mortgage.

    I could be 100% wrong on this.

  • currie-s14th September, 2006

    Thanks for your reply. The minerals were sold along with the land, however the original note was never paid. So, I was wondering if there was a way that "DAN" the buyer could keep the minerals if the property was being foreclosed on. Any additional help would be appreciated.

  • D_Hernandez28th August, 2006

    If you are thinking re-fi, do it fast before the scores start dropping as a result of the late mortgage payments.

    It might already be too late.

  • Niceguy128th August, 2006

    There are no lates as far as I know
    Other options?

  • InActive_Account29th August, 2006

    If there are no lates, than how is this "about to go into foreclosure"?

    Click on the link on the toolbar at the top of this site where it says "Lenders" to get started

  • rbjj10th September, 2006

    Bump !!!!!

  • mcole11th September, 2006

    They could submit a copy of the Purchase Contract directly to the lender and ask for a temporarily postponement in the sale.

    They could also have the BK trustee contact the lender and request the postponement.

    Or, they could go ahead and open escrow and have the escrow officer contact the lender. I’ve successfully used this approach to postpone a foreclosure sale.

    These are just a couple of thoughts.

  • rbjj11th September, 2006

    Thanks Mcole ,

    I am not quite sure what u mean when u say open escrow , and have the escrow officer contact the lender. , Would u explain it a little more.

    All the suggestions u gave gave were great, and I will tell them to do them all.

    "Problems Are Solutions Dressed In Work Clothes "[ Edited by rbjj on Date 09/11/2006 ]

  • edmeyer11th September, 2006

    I have stopped a sale on the day before the sale by contacting the lending institution and putting up non-refundable money ($15K) that is applied to the purchase if I closed within the extra 30 days given by the lender. If there is no close, then the lender keeps the money and proceeds with the sale. The dollar amount and extension time are negotialble. We closed on day 29!

  • bargain7611th September, 2006

    The Bankruptcy thing. Has the BK Trustee released your in-laws property from Bankruptcy?


  • rbjj11th September, 2006

    Hi Bargain ,

    Yes the stay was lifted to take the house out of bankrupcy because they got behind on the current mortgage payments.

  • InActive_Account12th September, 2006

    search here or on google --- there are lots of posts to help understand the hud-1 line by line

  • rbjj12th September, 2006

    Thanks Panic ,

    I called the mortgage broker the buyers are going through , and he had his closing title company do a hud 1 for us. He also faxed a copy of the good faith , and approval letter.

    Will post the results as soon as I get word.

  • edmeyer14th September, 2006

    When I made my purchase the bankruptcy attorney called me to tell me he could not stop the sale and that I should take a whack at it. When I contacted the loss mit group I offered to show a purchase contract and an open escrow with some money in it. They said no , but they offered to extend they said they would extend the time if I would put up the unrefundable cash by the end of the day. How I accomplished that is another adventure story, but I did get a 30 day extension and purchased the property.

  • rbjj15th September, 2006

    Hi All ,

    Update ,

    The loan mitigator called yesterday , and said she was able to get her board to postpone the sale for 30 days
    ( hallelujah).

    Now I must get busy getting the contract approved through the bankrupucy trustee

    Their bankrupcy attorney said it will probably take 30 days for the trustee to approve or not approve. There must be a way to get this approved quicker, because the loan mitigator said there will not be another extension. Any ideas ?

    Also I think there are 2 small $ amount judgements that were filed against the sellers that are being paid through the chapter 13, and I was wondering how to find out if they are liens on the property , and if so , how to get them removed from the property , so there will be a clear title.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks !

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