short sale

I am in an upside down mortgage and looking at a short sale recommended by a realtor - but would like some more information. I have not talked with the finance company as of yet. confused


  • TheShortSalePro6th May, 2003

    This is your home? You are the mortgagor? You want to refinance, but the LTV is out of whack? Is that it? You want to keep the house, but with a different mortgage? I've negotiated short payoffs for the homeowner wanting to refi, but the LTV was too high. The process is much the same.

    Or, are you a Seller who owes more on the mortgage than the house is worth, and is finding it difficult to sell because your asking price is too high?

    If that's the case, have your Realtor email me. Perhaps I can send your Realtor a blueprint on the broker's role in the short sale process....

  • meanjean6th May, 2003

    I am the homeowner. I do not want to file for bankruptcy - but the finance company has loaned me more than the house is worth and also a 2nd on top of that. My credit has also suffered due to making the large payments, I am on auto payments and so not behind on mortgage, but makes other bills a real struggle. Did not think I could refinance if owe more than the property is worth and am really leery of lenders now as I feel the situation I am currently in was quite misleading. I was thinking a short sale was the way to get out and start over.

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