Rich Dad Poor Dad

what do you think of Rober Kiyosaki? the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Has anyone here been inspired besides me? has anyone met the guy or bought is game CASHFLOW? if you have, send me a private message and let me know what you think...


  • demosthenes27th October, 2003

    His book got me interested in real estate and inspired me to start working for myself.

    That said his books are more of an affirmation they have have no real content and you are not going to learn how to make any money from them.

    If his books inspired you to start working for yourself thats great thats a few dollars well spent but don't waste any more money buying any of his other books after you bought one you have read them all.

    He is a great entrepeneur his books and conferences are where he has made his real money he never made any in real estate. He is a sales man basicly he learned all his jargon working for someone else who made his money buy going to conferences and giving lectures on property.

    I can repect that but I learned alot more by going to workshop run by people who were actually doing what they were giving a workshop on.

  • kevinpop27th October, 2003

    I saw Robert R. at a seminar and have purchased his books. He is truly inspirational in starting up a business or being an entrpreneur! However, Rich Dad-Poor Dad books are not detailed in setting up systems for making $$. I think you are wiser to spend your $$ on how to real estate books- (ie. lease optioning, etc.) I am now heavily involved in researching lease options and have made $10,000 on my first deal. K

  • sKauGhTiEe27th October, 2003

    The Rich Dad Poor Dad book was given to me by my father-in-law. He isnt in to real estate but is a franchiser and does very well in it. He gave all of his kids that book because he said this is the first person that he has heard about that thinks the way he thinks. He encouraged all of us to read it, like every year. Anyways, i read it in 3 days and loved it. That book changed my thinking of money and my future goals.

    I havent heard of anything on the lines that he never did the things he claims in his materials. Yes, he is a good salesmen but I believe he is a very good investor as well. I have a 12 disc series with all of his team on there as well. I dont think they make up everything...

    But again, Yes, He helped me get started and DaveREI is helping me actually DO IT... I think everyone knows who he is, On here regularly.

    One step at a time.... skaughtiee

  • edmeyer27th October, 2003

    I have about seven books in the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. I agree with some of the others that there is not much content in the original book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The repetitive theme is to buy what Rich Dad calls assets which are purchase that have positive cash flow. I believe this is extremely good advice. Also, RDPD states the importance of having a plan. Also excellent advice.

    I also have the Kyosaki Real Estate course which has some more detail. On video Robert and Dolf De Roos (author of another book in the series) go through Phoenix with a couple buying their first property.

    Some of the other books have more content-- particularly those authored by Diane Kennedy and Garrett Sutton. Most of these are on ownership entities and strategies.

    Hope this helps.


  • jeff1200227th October, 2003

    While it seems that he does a great job of inspiring alot of people, I haven't met anyone yet that clains that they owe it all to Robert Kiyosaki with the posible exception of his wife Kim.
    It is very evident that he likes real estate, or at least the perception amongst a large number of people that there's big money to be made in real estate. He even claims to have invested heavily in real estate himself.
    I wonder though, do you think his focus is on real estate investing, or info marketing? My guess is the latter, and real estate investing is his hook.
    I prefer info from someone that is doing what I want to do, like John $Cash$ Locke and others on this site. There's substance to what they offer.

  • DaveT28th October, 2003

    RDPD is not going to be the book that makes you a fortune. You will not say that you owe it all to RDPD. RDPD is not even about real estate investing, nor is it a "how to" manual.

    RDPD, instead, is about establishing a mindset that supports creating wealth through investing. Once you understand the mindset, read "The Millionaire Next Door".

  • InActive_Account28th October, 2003

    Buy, borrow, and browse, rent them however. They are very good for getting started and make good examples for the novice investor. They are not the only set of books you should have in your RE library, but they are good start.



    Phillip Herrejon
    President of the Chicago Real Estate Investment Club

  • myfrogger28th October, 2003

    I owe my start in REI to Robert Kiyosaki. He is truely an inspiration. I agree that his books are not how-to books. I strongly believe that making money is not hard. Most people have limited realities in what they think is possible. As best explained in Cashflow Quadrant, people in each quadrant think differently and have a different set of beliefs. His goal is to change your thinking method and open your eyes.

    In my opinion, the how-to in REI is easy. It is the principals taught by Robert Kiyosaki that will bring sucess.

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