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This is a great forum with lots of helpful heres my question. How do you rise above the crowd? I knocked on 10 doors last week, no one answered ( all houses seemed lived in at the time) and when I called them I always got a message recorder and they never called back. Most houses were up for auction in 3 weeks. So, how do you get people to talk to you? Any advice would be helpful...


  • quidam27th March, 2005

    Keep trying, but not too pushy.

    Some people under pressure may "shut down" emotionally and not speak to others. They may be living in a state of denial, hoping for a long lost rich uncle or the lottery to give them a bunch of $$$ to get them out of their mess (the former being statistically more probable).

    Eventually some one will "crack" and speak with you. If not on this current batch, then on another one.

  • jimwest28th March, 2005

    Thanks for all the helpful advice, I am very grateful for this forum and all the help on it...It would seem that the most important thing is to keep trying...

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