Looking for a title agency in Columbus that handles double closing? I called a few and they told me that what i was doing was illegal?

I dont under stand can some one help?

[ Edited by cashuout on Date 09/16/2003 ][ Edited by cashuout on Date 09/16/2003 ]


  • cashuout17th September, 2003

    Someone plz post a note help me out.

  • MrsMeltzer23rd September, 2003

    Persistance is the key.

    Get out your trusty Yellow Pages and let your fingers do the walking.

    It might take a day or two of calling around, but eventually you will find one.

    Also, you might want to structure your question differently. Don't say you want to do a "double closing". Just tell them the situation and ask how to properly handle it and if their company doesn't, do they know of a company that does?

    Hope This Helps,
    Mrs. Meltzer

  • hibby7623rd September, 2003

    Ask around investor groups as well. Call people who have bandit signs up and see if they recommend anyone.

    As has been said, persistance IS the key. It is NOT illegal, but some companies do frown upon it. You might also seek out smaller or newer title companies that may try a bit harder for your business.

    ALSO go to your county recorders office an hour before they close and you'll get all kinds of title people coming through the door. It might be an easy place to screen 20 title companies in an hour. Granted, many will be the peons that just run errands, but you may find the title company that you're looking for.

  • lp123rd September, 2003

    i think mrs. meltzer is right its probably the way you asked about it....try stewart title, they are natiowide...

  • InActive_Account23rd September, 2003

    i spoke to 4 realtors one day, only one of them was able to think 'outside the box' as far a creative investing goes, and he was then able to recommended a company to me that understood what I want to do to...perhaps you could try thatsmile
    Doesn't hurt to get a couple of those on side anyway....they'll send you new deals and will be far more willing to submit your low offers to the seller because they see your concept already, others get offended like it's 'their ca$h' you're playing with

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