Looking For Foreclosure Owners Names And Address.
How can I find names and address,s to forclosed homeowners? I tried using a foreclosure service but, it had the realitor or lenders info. I want to provide them with legal assiatnce.
How can I find names and address,s to forclosed homeowners? I tried using a foreclosure service but, it had the realitor or lenders info. I want to provide them with legal assiatnce.
You are right. I am looking for owners in Pre-foreclosure. As stated, I enrolled in a service but, the owners names was not attached to address. I currently get my leads from local newspaper. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am looking to work the entire U.S. providing legal assistance to pre-foreclose owners.
Can you provide legal assistance to the entire U.S.? I think you would have to pass the bar in every state first...
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The question was is there a service that could provide me with names and address of pre-foreclosure home owners?
find a realtor can be find the names from mls tax tool
The best services are usually regional. Since every state is different, and every county in the state is different, I do not believe that you are going to find a national service that will be cost effective and they will not get you timely information.
i am in pre foreclosure and have a story to tell on a new construction house.. also i know with some banks you can got to their website and there will be a list of foreclosed homes like bank of america has a link on therir website for bank owned proerties.. i am not sure if this helps... also if you want to know about my story email me at **Please See My Profile**