I have a date with Dwan and Sharon this weekend!!!

It looks like I'll see you guys at 9 am Saturday morning in Los Angeles! And you're stuck with me until 5 pm. Please, please, please teach me the path to financial independence. I'm all yours.


  • tbelknap22nd May, 2003

    If they can teach you the path to financial freedom in 8 hours then where do I sign up?


  • 22nd May, 2003

    Hey Tom, you're cutting into my brown-nosing time!

    Just kidding. I'd be happy if they gave me a good solid lead TOWARDS the path to financial independence. At least something more solid than what I've gotten from Robert Allen and other "path to financial independence" seminars. I've been looking forward to this seminar for awhile because I've wanted to know more about short sales and now I have the undisputed masters coming to town. By the way, I signed up through the Learning Annex.

  • tbelknap22nd May, 2003

    Sorry about cutting into your brown nosing time. You are doing a great job at that

    I have some of their courses and think you will learn a lot. Have a great time.


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