I Guess Its NOT Ok To Ask For Another $ 1,000 Off At Closing

I got my but kicked.
I didnt know so many would read.

Nothing against the newbee's ( im still one, 3 yrs)
but I get 20 e-mails a day ( ave.)
asking for all this help.
I help, then when I check up on them, they are still looking for excuses not to get started.

Sorry if I offended anyone, just trying to get a "stir"


  • tbelknap11th December, 2003

    Well Jason, you got what you wanted. You stirred things up. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one. I believe you posted an opinion of Bandit signs and look how that thread turned out.

    Bottom line, do what you feel comfortable doing. You are the only one that has to look at yourself everyday.

    You can't help people (newbies) that don't want to help themselves. They can always say they want help but until they are willing to work outside their comfort zone they will do nothing. I wouldn't hold their hand. Most will never do anything. I like those odds.


  • dataattack11th December, 2003

    thanks Tom.


  • DaveT11th December, 2003

    I responded somewhat favorably to your previous post.

    What was never mentioned, is the backlash you may experience.

    Suppose you, the buyer, come to the settlement table and ask the seller for a $1000 reduction in the purchase price. In effect, you have just reopened the contract negotiations. Your request can be considered an offer, and the seller's counteroffer might just be "NO, this property is withdrawn from sale, the contract is null and void".

    If you were getting a good deal to begin with, you might just be left at the settlement table with nothing. Just the downside risk of reopening contract negotiations at such a late date.

  • dataattack11th December, 2003

    thanks Dave T
    that is something to think about.

  • pejames12th December, 2003

    I actually thought it was interesting to hear how folks reacted! I wouldn't take it personally. Now we all know how different people approach different scenarios. Motivation is key here, from both sides of the fence. I just think that that tactic should have been in the CS forum. haha

  • MrMike13th December, 2003

    On 2003-12-11 16:08, dataattack wrote:
    I got my but kicked.
    I didnt know so many would read.

    Nothing against the newbee's ( im still one, 3 yrs)
    but I get 20 e-mails a day ( ave.)
    asking for all this help.
    I help, then when I check up on them, they are still looking for excuses not to get started.

    Sorry if I offended anyone, just trying to get a "stir"

    Data Attack,

    you are just an amature. What are you getting bank financing for???

    You get owner financing making sure it is an old widow on a fixed income. Get the extra grand discount for the carpet at closing. I am with ya there.

    BUT then you ask her for bus fare home, tell her they repossesed your car and you lost your job.

    Then fter 3 months of making your payments on time you start paying a couple days late.

    Then you don't pay until she calls you. Play this out for about 4 more months then stop paying. Another 2 months she will be BEGGING you to pay because she broke her hip and needs to go to the Dr. but has NO money.

    Then you nail her, offer her a payoff within 5 days for 75% of what you owe.

    There you go 'newbie'


  • Lufos13th December, 2003

    I am deeply shocked at what I have read here. Never in my long life time would I have considered such an actioin. It is something similar to going to a mixed boy and girl slumber party and arriving stark naked.

    Besides it is very bad technicaly speaking. Almost as bad as tendering a false cashiers check at closing. Now they really yell at you for that. But, yes it is done. Usualy it does not work. Of course from that moment on you will be label'd a Goniff. Which I do not mind inasmuch as I am of the Goy persuasion.

    Some time ago I had a series of label buttons made which I passed out to the various Real Estate Salespersons who had earned them.

    They ran the full gaunlet of booboos.

    Your actions tied with the classic Real Estate one where at close you ask for an additional amount of money on your earned commission.

    So fear not, the world is full of Klutz's you have numerous co defendants.

    But Please do not come to my shop and oh yes, do not date my daughters, and keep your demmned hands off the cat.

    Gritting Lucius

  • nlsecor15th December, 2003

    No excuses, and no backing down from those actions. If you entered a deal with me and I had any idea that you might try something like that, I would have continued to shop my property for a better price. If you came to the table asking for the extra money, I would have asked you to put it in writing and considered it a new offer. At that point I would have explained that you are assed out and counterd at a higher price than was originally agreed. I would have told you to walk or pay. And, you would pay. Your going to screw a few people out of a grand, and you will get payback when you lose a deal, drive by a few years later and realize the property is worth a couple hundred thousand more now.

  • zSaint16th December, 2003

    You are so correct!
    That just happened on one of my closings a few weeks ago. The buyer got greedy at closing and asked for an extra 2k off. I asked for it in writing, as soon as we got, rejected it and took a higher backup contract. My client walked 10K richer and the buyer walked out cursing his rookie agent! lol

    Greed is a bad human trait!

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