How To Write An Offer
Whats up my fellow investors, I have a problem maybe someone of you can help. I am looking to purchase a REO i have my financing together I found the house but now I need to know how to write an offer to submit to the real estate company. If anyone could give me an example or a template or something it would be greatly appreciated..
(thanks in advance for those that are wondering)
[ Edited by bacardidark313 on Date 08/27/2004 ][ Edited by bacardidark313 on Date 08/27/2004 ]
If it is a REO it likely listed with a realtor. Go find yourself a buyer's agent (any realtor you like) to handle your side of the transaction and walk you through it. In my area it costs the buyer nothing to use a realtor.
Make sure you are buying the property cheaply enough to cover all costs.