How Good Are These Foreclosure Listings That Charge?

There are quite a few of them , most that charge a fee to your cc.

Is this a worthwhile investment? I am having trouble accessing anything free...and it seems info is limited.

Has anyone had much joy in letting one of these online agencies charge your card or is it a scheme?


  • bargain7629th November, 2008

    We subscribed to 2 competing (local and statewide) listing services for several years.

    Comparing one to another usually gave us a fairly complete picture of what is going on. We still had to do preliminary research and title searches to determine exactly what is being sold and exactly how many third party encumbrances (if any) were involved.

    There are varying levels of competance, however. Your double-check will expose these. Local or state-wide services are best. I have not experienced success with Nationwide listing services.

    We bought & sold over 200 houses in the past 4 years....and could not have done it without the listing services guiding us along the way.

  • kazze29th November, 2008

    Thanks for the reply....

    So they are probably worth the investment if only to get started?

  • kazze29th November, 2008

    Also, is there one that you would recommend?

  • ITBInvestor29th November, 2008

    kazze, where are you investing?

  • cjmazur29th November, 2008

    many of the foreclosure website are crap.

    dataquick, reqlquest, and westlaw are much more accurate.

  • myr30th November, 2008

    On 2008-11-29 13:16, bargain76 wrote:
    We subscribed to 2 competing (local and statewide) listing services for several years.

    how old are the listings on your websites? are there any of them 2-3 months before the auction date?[ Edited by myr on Date 11/30/2008 ]

  • bargain7630th November, 2008

    myr: The web site listings are usually 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the auction. Most Florida courthouse sales are (by Statute) scheduled to take place 20 to 35 days after the Final Judgement is signed.

    To get advance notice of impending foreclosures, you need to search Lis Pendens.... the first legal notice that a mortgage is in default.


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