Foreclosure Info
When you're looking to buy properties in a city that you don't live in, what would you suggest the best way to find properties that are set to foreclose? Is there a city/county dept with that information, or is that information available on the web, or .... Would appreciate any help!
You can do a search on for the county you want to search through. My county has their system online, so I can look up a majority of the information online. If I need specifics, then I go to the courthouse and request that particular file. You may want to call the county and also ask if they have a website where you can search public records.
Hi Mcswa,
I was searching through TCI message archives and came across this message:
Here are a couple of links that will help with state info:
You might also try an online Lis Pendis or Foreclosures Service for the particular state you're interested.
You might also find a local real estate agent for the particular area you're interested in and they'll be able to provide you with foreclosure listings.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your real estate investing.
[ Edited by dmarketing on Date 04/19/2003 ]