door knocking!


This would be for J.M., D.A., B.T. and other well seasoned investors.

How do you prefer in presenting yourselves? What do you leave if no one answers? What do you say and use to make you standout from the competition? What answers do you offer? and what has and has not worked for you? How do you handle a situation where another investor has already contacted them and left a bad impression on the homeowner about what anyone can do for them?
If anyone would like to add please feel free!


  • JohnMichael11th February, 2003


    I can't tell you, as an investor I took an oath with the investor God's to never tell with out a visa or master card. "JUST KIDDEN".

    1. How do you prefer in presenting yourselves?

    "I do door knocking, I present my self in a professional manner according to the type of neighborhood"

    2. What do you leave if no one answers?

    "I leave a door hanger"

    3. What do you say and use to make you standout from the competition?

    "I become personable with them, I express help - concern - consideration" I give them a little booklet about hope.

    4. What answers do you offer?

    I never answer right away, I advise them I will get back to them in 24 hours.

    5. What has and has not worked for you?


    6. How do you handle a situation where another investor has already contacted them and left a bad impression on the homeowner about what anyone can do for them?

    "I apologies on behalf of the fool and just let them know I would like to help if I can"

  • luishernandez12th February, 2003

    Like always Mike, Thanks for your comments.....always good to get a different perspective...

  • 12th February, 2003

    If someone answeres the door, I simply say to them

    "Hello, I wanted to leave you some information concerning your current situation and if there is anything I can do to help please call me", then start to walk away. It's that simple. Sometimes they will start a conversation and begin asking you questions. The key here is to LISTEN! Be sympathetic to thier current dilema. Explain that in order for you to see if you can even begin to help, you must first gather some basic information about thier situation. If they are willing then have them fill out an autorization for information form. If not tell them that you understand and you will be there to answer any questions or offer suggestions if they want to call you in the near future. This is a good time to remind them that they don't have to much time; that is if you are working with a pre-foreclosure.

    The key is to not hard sell them at the first visit.

    I hope this helps


  • illuminati12th February, 2003

    when you say you hand out information, what exactly is it that you leave?

    a flyer? do you have an example.


  • luishernandez12th February, 2003

    So Dan,


    and I quote what you just said "here is some information on how you can change your current situation, Mr.,Mrs. Homeowner, ...and in order for me to see what I can do for you please sign the authorization to release information form so that I can help you" thank you....

    Is this how you would approach a preforeclosure? And what type of information do you begin offering?

    Thanks Dand!

  • mel13th February, 2003

    Very Nice Dan,
    I was actually in the position of losing my home 9 yrs ago---your technique would have worked---actually I would have tackled you as you started to walk away. I had no-one approach me because it was a wrap loan and I was only late a couple times but I was out of work due to serious illness--I was sinking fast and no good advise from anyone. I was told by a top re lawyer to not throw good money after bad--let it go--same from an agent/appraisor friend. That was '94---mkt was in the dumps here. The house has sold twice since then---the price was TRIPLE what I bought if for in '92---whew wish I could have saved that!
    Oh well--it's a great war story when I talk to people now in the same sitch.
    Thanks for sharing.
    All the best,

  • leftrn213th February, 2003


    I would be interested in the nformation that you leave with the homeowner. I have seen on other posts where people have left info brochures, but were not specific.

    Thanks, Don

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