Calling Banks & Lawyers About Pre-Foreclosures!

Hello Investors,

I have currently been visiting the county courthouse, searching for pre-foreclosures in the notice of defaults. I have been successful at locating the lists, now where do I go from here?

It is extremely difficult to locate the actual owners of the property in some cases. But, they do list the lenders name and info and the lawyers representing the lenders.

Could I just contact these lawyers or banks to see if they could give me some leads, or will they even help me, if so, how or what do I say to them regarding these pre-foreclosures?

Any experienced investors who has contacted lawyers and banks in search for leads, PLEASE ADVISE!!! THANKS!!!



  • mattfish1128th September, 2004

    My opinion is that the banks wouldn't give you this information... The lawyers wouldn't give you information about specific cases, either... HOWEVER - you might be successful in calling these lawyers and telling them that you are a private investor and if they have any clients that are in preforeclosure or similar situation to have them call you... Just plant a seed...

    Good Luck!


  • coloradolynn29th September, 2004

    In Colorado, The public trustee has to mail notification to all interested parties (owner, lawyer, bank, liens, etc) That mailing list is public record, you just have to ask for it.

  • 4KASH29th September, 2004

    Banks and Lawyers? Just call title companies until you find one that will email you a current NOD list and then find the owner in the County records(hopefully online). As the auction approaches contact again using the NTS list, again from the title company, for another try.

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