18 bed rooms w/ 6 baths = $135,000.00
I saw a property in real estate web site and was overwhelm of the price! Will someone give me some Idea on how to deal with this type of property. Will I make an offer to the Seller ? ( R.E. agent) Where can I get financing and what is the best? By the way my credit is not good either. I am new to this area of investing. Anyone who could give some enlightenment on this case?
[ Edited by kanjii on Date 05/26/2003 ]
Go to where you saw the ad. It should have some contact info, contact that person. Go look at the property. It may not be such a deal.
If you go look and it looks good then you need to come up with a game plan. What do you plan to do with it? Will you live in it? Rent it? Flip it?
You are right ! I found out when I clled, It was a HUD property! Thanks.
And they're all sold out!