Foreclosure Websites???
Are the foreclosure websites worth the fee? Am I better off investigating on my own or is it worth saving my time to pay the fee? Any suggestions on some good sites to join? I hate to get ripped off, but I want to do lots of research before jumping in. Thanks!
i dont know why you should pay.
there is a free website, may be its only for my area.
Good luck,
Thanks, but not for my area, although I do check the HUD website frequently.
I would check if there are any legal papers in your area. Additionally,
maybe look for who the local auctioneers are for properties to see what and when they are sellling.
Pretty much, i've found the www.HUD.ORG homes are too pricy. Not much margin between buying and selling price. Not the mention if your not planning on living in the home, a teacher, police/fireman your just about wasting your time.
You should use or to the best of your ability to locate bank owned real estate. ( is a good one for Northern Illinois.
Find which re agents have listings and call them, introduce yourself and have a meeting to let them know your intentions. Don't be surprised if the first one is a boob, just like anything else, interview the people before you employ them. The right one will find properties for you.
Good luck.
My experience is they are listing HUD,
VA and MLS listings. That is great if you don't have MLS Access. However most
investors do these days and the HUD and VA homes are just a click away.
Jeffrey Adam