Foreclosure, Preforeclosure Sites

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on a Preforeclosure or Foreclosure company or website where I can access the most listings in a specific area like Vermont. I know there are a lot of different ones out there, I'm just looking for the one that seems to be working the best for other investors. The most ifficient, with the most listings. Also how much it cost per month for this service? Any info. would be appreciated. Thank you very much.



  • nlsecor2nd January, 2004

    I would check your local newspaper in the for sale area. You may find a site listed under each city like "bellmont for sale. com" once you click, they will all take you to the same site. I pay $100 per month for one large city. I woul try to avoid any per listing fee etc. Also, ask an agent if you know one in your area, they might know. Sometimes agents will give info just because they think you will fail...they can be there to help when you do.

  • aaronismyrealtor2nd January, 2004

    There are alot of free websites that can give you info. ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's*** is great, alot of banks like Bank One have a site off their main site, or go to ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***v, and find a list of all the governement properites it takes some time but its free! I have a full time person on staff to look for foreclosures, and auction sales here in Grand Rapids!

  • cpifer2nd January, 2004

    Foreclosure sites basically suck and offer little, if any, current information - we subscribe to a local (by county) foreclosure list but it has not been much help because you only have 21 days to fight thru the comtetition, knock on doors, mail, yada yada yada.

    We utilize a different strategy that gets people to call us and have been quite successful - advertising.

    Hope this helps.


  • rchapa2nd January, 2004

    I know the web site you use. I probably use the same one. There are hundreds of properties on that list. If you can do one house from that list it is worth the time. Yes time is short. One week to check the deed,taxes, liens. One week to deliver a letter by hand. If no answer, come back. Of course you want to have other avenues such as advertising in place where people call you, but I quess I still have the newbie mentallity. To
    SEEK,SEARCH, and MAKE A DEAL!! And futhermore if you don't like the door knocking, yada,yada,yada. murta09 is asking for advise so if you have something that works share it. Dont just leave him hanging..

  • murta093rd January, 2004

    Yes, thank you..I would like to know what works...but thank you anyway.. So what seems to be the censensus is not to use a foreclosure service??

  • rchapa3rd January, 2004

    Incorrect, you just have to find one that's giving current info. in your area. I am in Texas. you are in Berlin, VT. Iam sure there is a REI group in your area. We have to get out and met other investors. Don't look at them as competition. Look at them as mentor's that have been there and done it. At least a couple times.
    Don't be discouraged because everyone is not using a listing service.

  • pejames5th January, 2004

    murata, the first thing you need to do is to determine if you are in a judicial or non-judicial state and then proceed from there. Let me know if you need help from there. The process is not difficult, but you do need to do some research on your own. Hope this helps

    On 2004-01-03 11:04, murta09 wrote:
    Yes, thank you..I would like to know what works...but thank you anyway.. So what seems to be the censensus is not to use a foreclosure service??

  • Tedjr5th January, 2004

    There are foreclosure services that track the postings each month, at least in larger counties like Travis here in Texas. There are 900 or so posted this month. I am slow too and joined Foreclosure world years ago. I wish I had that money back. Mostly Hud listings. Best way to find a good service is go to the sales at the courthouse and ask around or join a local group.

    Good LUCK and Thank You
    Hope this helps some
    Ted Jr

  • murta0911th January, 2004

    Thank you for all your info.

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