Foreclosure Bill

Has anyone come across a good summary of the foreclosure bill that passed week be fore last (I think).

I have read several articles in newspapers that had gross inconsistencies.


  • JohnLocke4th August, 2008


    In what state? It seems recently there are a few states passing Foreclosure laws.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • cjmazur4th August, 2008

    I was referring the the "big" federal bailout.

  • ITBInvestor5th August, 2008

    Like many banks around here, Deutcshe Bank will usually just list their REO (post foreclosure) property with a selected licensed real estate broker. If the sale just happened, it may be a while (months) before it is listed.

    Many banks use their own offer/contract forms, so it may be worth the try to get one of their forms to submit an offer. My guess is that unless your offer (assuming they actually will accept it) is above their BPO, you will not here back from them.

  • rehab2day5th August, 2008

    Ok so the servicing company is Homeq on this (apparently they do MUCH of the disposition work for Deutcshe). So far they are receptive and helpful but not a lot of progress as they state they have to follow protocol. I did inform them that I am prepared to make a cash offer and was told that if they can sell that way then somebody will contact me - not holding my breath. I was also given some info on the likely path (who/where) this property will be on until disposition. This will at least make it easier to track the property until it is offered for sale.

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