Foreclosed Owners Get Stay After Stay!

We bought a property THREE months ago and still haven't gotten the previous owners out. The woman, who hasn't made any effort to find a place to live and move out, went this morning to the judge (1 hr. before lockout was scheduled) and got her third stay. The next lock out date will be in 2 - 3 weeks. Supposedly it was written in her file that there will be no more stays. We have had to pay out numerous expenses for her to live there for free for the past three months. Including cancellation fees on the moving van that were scheduled for the lockouts. My question is: Has anyone successfully sued the previous owners for all their expenses. I'm figuring that she didn't pay her mortgage or taxes for the past year, why would she pay our expenses, but can it be successfully done? Thanks, Tina


  • jhgraves15th September, 2003

    When you finally get in front of the judge for the foreclosure ask that your expenses be taxed against the tenant due to her delay and the fact that she has lived for free in the house for three months. I don't know what state you are in but most judgments are good for ten years so if it is enough money you can track her down in a year or two, go to her bank and present your judgment.

  • gtmac15th September, 2003

    We will definitely put a judgement on her. We are located in NJ.

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