For Seasoned Sub-2ers.
What type of finders fees are you giveing your bird dogs, and how much info do you need?
I wanted to know if the fees are the same in the Pretty house business as it is in the Ugly house business.
What type of finders fees are you giveing your bird dogs, and how much info do you need?
I wanted to know if the fees are the same in the Pretty house business as it is in the Ugly house business.
$500 WHEN I CLOSE to the bird dogs.
$500 - $1000 depending on the lead when I close to the bird dogs.
Can someone explain the process after a bird dog finding a deal, for exp- call an investor about the prop, inv. ok, inv. buy, how/when a bird dog get paid? Do a bird dog need a contract or must word of mouth and trust?
Generally it is word of mouth and trust. I typically pay mine after the deal closes, though I have heard of other investors paying sooner. Basically, the bird dog finds a motivated seller, contacts an investor and points that investor to the seller. Some bird dogs take pictures, get basic info from the seller etc, and those services are greatly appreciated.