FMV And Unrealistic Sellers

I have to ask myself and you all just one question... Are sellers living in a different world?
I get many calls from people wanting to sell their house for CASH, FAST. However in trade for this service for which we spend all kinds of money and effort in advertising/marketing, doing contracts, and aranging CASH to be given to the seller....they ask for nothing less than full price. surprised
If you call a plumber on christmas eve and ask him to come over right away, do you expect to get a free service call and a break on the cost of his service? Heck no...You pay out the nose.
I'm not saying sellers should "pay out the nose" for our services, just that they accept that in the real world there is a time/money relationship that exists, and we have to make money, too.

There is a question here...

How do you deal with these types? Do you just blow them off? At first I was trying to make it work somehow...I'm getting to the point where I just don't even want to call them back.
Any creative idea to help me help them realize their own situation and the $/Time relationship?


PS. Man I feel better! smile


  • BOSSinDC5th March, 2004

    Certainly a foreclosure on their credit would make them realize the importance of your service to them. However, they may only realize that after the fact and as we know hindsight is always 20-20. I think the most important issue revolving sub2 is that they need you, you dont need them. The wording you choose to use with them really portrays how the deal takes form. I know that there are many who will still resist but when they are truly motivated you wont have a problem.

    Best of luck hope this helps although im sure you already know this.

  • davehays5th March, 2004

    Blow them off. They are not motivated to sell.

    You have to deal with motivated sellers. You should have an intake question list you use to prescreen your callers for motivation FIRST. You can learn about the property all day long, talk numbers, blow smoke, etc., but if you cannot determine that they are motivated to take action from the first conversation, then you are going to continue to be frustrated. I have dealt with similar people.

    You just can't make unmotivated people motivated, simple as that.

    If you have a system whereby you can determine motivation, or lack thereof, you can pass quickly and go find better deals with motivated sellers. IF they are motivated, then you can move into step two which is to start talking and learning about the property to see if there is a deal there.

    Good luck, Dave

  • samedwin5th March, 2004

    Thanks, that's what I wanted...
    Someone to tell me I'm not a horrible person for wanting to help, but at the same time having to blow them off because they are not what I'm looking for.
    See, we all still need coaching even if we know the answer to our own question.

  • jackman5th March, 2004

    good post dave. as much as i know it's true and i should only deal with motivated people, i can't help trying to sway people that seem borderline. i'm gettin a really nice flow of calls daily now and i can easily only speak to motivated ones but it's hard when i know the house and the area to be one that i can make good money.

    point is, you're right. don't waste time with the others ... don't feel bad sam, juss keep on trucking - smile and leave them your contact info and be out!

  • samedwin5th March, 2004

    Thanks all,
    Say...congrats of having a steady set of calls coming in. I'm SLOWLY building....
    Thanks for the motivation to find the motivation

  • hlsrom5th January, 2006

    About how much less should a seller expect to get if they need to sell their home fast (due to foreclosure/relocation..) (ie 20% below market value?)

    THank you,

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