
Say I was to find someone who is willing to sell there home below market value and I have possession of the contract. How much do I charge to sell the contract for and how much below market value should I negotiate with the seller. What is the least amount below market value should I negotiate if I will be flipping the property

Say the home was worth 200,000 market value.


  • jeff1200212th January, 2004

    Is this question hypothetical, or an actual scenario you're faced with?
    This is a very broad question, one which I don't believe can be answered by anyone except the parties involved.
    What is the sellers motivation, and how acute is it?
    What is your situation financially, and how do you intend on marketing it?
    How long are you willing to wait to move the property?
    How much minimum do you expect to make?
    How much of a financial commitment do you have to make personally to get the contract?
    Thee could be several more questions that would help us better define this deal, and you could get different answers from everyone that has an opinion.
    Every deal is different, and unique unto itself.

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