Flipping Contracts And Closing Deals...question
Another question about settlement and flipping.
When I flip or assign the contract to another buyer, who pays the settlement fees? Does the buyer pay or do I pay out of the profit I made for flipping the contract?
And if I do pay, do I charge extra for the contract to cover those fees?
Thanks again.
The investor buyer should take care of all closing cost unless determined otherwise by the contract you have with the seller. So if seller pays half, then the buyer pays the other half. You should not pay a dime.
Everyone pays their own closing costs unless specified in the contract. The title company can and will a prelim of fees if you want.
Hope that helps.
Am new to the Biz and am interested in "Flip Contracts". Can anyone tell me the first step to this. How to I approach someone to do a "Flip Contract"