Fixer Beginner

I have a beginning interest in purchasing fixers and creating value with a minimum of $ investment, then flipping. I don't know where to start. I am in my 40's, attending college to get my BA and working fulltime as an accountant, have a family, very happy. Want to increase financial stability. Seems flipping is a great way, but don't know where to start. I found the searching on the web. Seems some of the seminar topics coming up this week are really interesting. How do I get more information without having to travel, since I can't make it due to commitments (see above). Thanks, anyone. Stan


  • bukzin27th April, 2004

    I would find someone in your area
    that is doing it full-time and offer
    your labor in exchange for knowledge.

    Ask local title companies, realtors
    and lumber yards.
    Maybe 'Craigs List', too.

    Read 'Profits in Buying & Renovating Homes' by Lawrence Dworin. Great
    book by a hands-on investor.

    Good luck and let us/me know
    how you are progressing.


    [ Edited by JohnMerchant on Date 04/27/2004 ]

  • JeffAdams27th April, 2004


    -Purchase Ron Legrands Cash Flow Module on this site for around $200.00
    This will help you trememdously and give you a great foundation. I would also recommend John Locke's material.

    -Join an REI club in your area.

    -Come to this site daily and read-read-read.

    -I would recommend learning how to be a bird-dog first. Then once you learn how to find properties you can start wholesaling and then retailing. Maybe even keep the good ones along the way as rentals.

    Best Riches,
    Jeffrey Adam

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