Finding The Owners?

What is the easiest way to find the owners of abandonded or empty homes? oh oh


  • 26th August, 2003

    Send them a letter to that current address. They might have a forwarding address.


  • 2000rock27th August, 2003


    You might want to check with TheLocalPropertyAppraiser in your county!

    ...after that...

    ...or, if YOU think there is a GreatDealToBeHad....

    ...try a P.I. for about $100.00

    They have their ways... always,

    GoodInvesting, Rocky

  • classimg27th August, 2003

    You can develop a relationship with a realtor and request a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) search on the word 'VACANT.'

    Do not overlook at a minimum to offer lunch and the agreement to use them as YOUR buyers agent if the deal goes through.

  • td28th August, 2003

    I use the tax assessors office. They ALWAYS send the tax bill somewhere and to someone. Send letteer with address service requested on the envelope.

    Prosperous investing,

  • Lufos28th August, 2003

    Dear Sheila,

    Sit down at your desk, turn the computer on and go on line with the MLS, go to search and search Tax listings. This gives you the property address and stuff and down at the bottom it give you the address where the tax bill goes. This is the easiest. If you have a Realtor Friend who is literate you might ask He/She?It to do this for you. Oh yes make a copy on your printer. It also shows prior sales price and the presance of any mortgages/trustdeeds, whatever.

    If no contact seriously consider the fact that the owner might be incarcerated. Like Jail. Go to Central Inmate Registry and give them the property
    owners name and see if he has established a residence in da joint.

    check the property one more time, then ask the nosey neighbor, cause if the place looks like lived in but quickly abandoned. Mail pile up, garbage etc. he might be dead. Call the Coroners office and see once more if hiding under a sheet is the missing owner.

    Failing all that you might attempt the British Method. You move in, clean up the place, check the tax bill, advance a tax payment and make claim under Adverse Possession. No No I am only kidding. Call me, I will move in and do the number.

    Still kidding. Enjoy Lucius

  • mdh200329th August, 2003

    who's sheila? lol

  • qwikm29th August, 2003


    You mentioned in the above post to 'go online with the MLS' . As far as I understand only realtors have access to MLS. Is there any way one can have an internet access to MLS (a fee based service ??).

    QM[ Edited by qwikm on Date 08/29/2003 ]

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