finding section 8 tenants

How does one find section 8 tenants? For example, I will be owning a property in a low-income area, and i doubt anyone there can pay market rents. How do I attract section 8 tenents? Do I post an ad, and say "we accept section 8"?



  • BAMZ28th March, 2003


    Most of the time we simply call the local Housing Authority office and tell them that we will have a property available on this date __________.

    They will give our information to the qualified people on their waiting list, and the people call us. When then have all applicants complete an application and go over their income ratios to see who is best fit for the property.

    Hope this helps!


  • 1furcron9th October, 2003

    Can you meet with and interview 10 possible tenants and screen all of them?

    ..........then just make a judgment call and pick the best one?

    Also..... can you get the house inspected and qualified for section 8 tenants befor you buy it?

  • 64Ford26th October, 2003

    Our local Section * has a website that posts properties available. You can also mention section 8 in your newpaper ad. You may get lots of calls, so be prepared.

  • davmille26th October, 2003

    Most of my rentals are in low income areas. I have not had any problem finding people who could pay the market rent since the rents are much lower in these areas. I don't have any Section 8 tenants although my property manager has shown my rentals to people who were on Section 8. The few Section 8s that wanted to rent were not the ones who the manager thought I should rent to although the manager has said that he does not mind doing Section 8s. I would take whatever came along as long as the tenant was one you wanted to work with.

  • SavvyYoungster27th October, 2003

    Just to sum up all the information here.

    Firstly, you need to go down to the Section 8 office for your city and introduce yourself as a new landlord. The will give you a slew of information including the requirements for the house inspection (very important). In fact, you might just meet a prospective tenet right in the office.

    Secondly, advertize in the normal way but include "Sec.8" in the ad. That will let the Sec.8 people know that you are taking it.

    Once you actually find a Section 8 person who is interested you will have to deal with their caseworker to iron out the details. You have to fill out a lot of paperwork (be honest). This is not a good time to lie as Section 8 is a government agency and defrauding the government is no small potatoes.

  • rmcmullen200328th October, 2003

    I rented section 8 until my property was trashed, they were chomping at the bits to get into the place - they are like roaches dude, don' t worry if it is section 8 you want you will get it!

  • amandac16th June, 2004 are an asshole! You really shouldn't judge people just because they have section 8. For your information we are not all like roaches. I have a section 8 voucher and are far from a roach. Don't blame others for your bad judgement. You chose the person to live in your property. I suggest you check to see how they treated the last place they lived in before approving them to live in your property. What if I said that all people who use the word DUDE are brainless pieces of shit??? You probably wouldn't like that. Like I said before...not everyone who has a section 8 voucher is foul!! I think it's great that more people are accepting section 8. Have a good day! tongue laugh

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