Finding Out Of Town Sellers

How would one obtain a mailing list of the out of town sellers that own property in a particular area? I'm in central IL


  • JohnMichael7th September, 2004

    I would suggest doing a search at your property tax office and looking for out of area owners

  • classimg10th September, 2004

    Share with us what you are trying to accomplish.

  • InActive_Account26th September, 2004

    I'm looking for out of town sellers who own property in my area who might want to sell either out of town landlords or owners of vacant property. Anyone have any ideas how I might obtain a list of these folks to send them a letter?

  • EagleDennis20th October, 2004

    I believe you can also get this info from Great stuff for reaching all kinds of people. LOL

  • ColoradoInvestor1st November, 2004

    Call a title company and ask for a title rep. Say you're a RE investor and would like a Farm Package. Tell them the geographical boundaries and ask for a non-owner occupied list. If that causes confusion, say you want one in which the tax notice goes to a different location than the property.

    They want your business on closings so will offer this at practically no cost. Get it on CD in Excel format. You can also get labels - if you want cheaper post office rates, have that set up with PO first.
    I prefer to also get a hard copy of list.

    After they know you're a real client, they will probably provide the list for free.
    Good luck!

  • franko63655th November, 2004


    I own a TV production company and happen to be a RE agent with Coldwell Banker. Been running my own 30 minute TV show on the weekends to about 700K homes in Palm Beach with mixed sucess. I think I need to get away from just showcasing listings only, and develop either a series for sellers who may be having troubles and need solutions (which I will provide), or go with short form commercials (30's, 60's). Any thoughts? I may be interested in shareing my facilities with you in exchange for your past experiences in Texas. Work a deal.

  • PBFerrigan6th November, 2004

    Thanks Colorado,
    Do you have any suggestions on how I can convince them that I am a real client? Thank you for the great advice.


    On 2004-11-01 16:26, ColoradoInvestor wrote:
    Call a title company and ask for a title rep. Say you're a RE investor and would like a Farm Package. Tell them the geographical boundaries and ask for a non-owner occupied list. If that causes confusion, say you want one in which the tax notice goes to a different location than the property.

    They want your business on closings so will offer this at practically no cost. Get it on CD in Excel format. You can also get labels - if you want cheaper post office rates, have that set up with PO first.
    I prefer to also get a hard copy of list.

    After they know you're a real client, they will probably provide the list for free.
    Good luck!

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