Finding Motivated Sellers & Buyers At The Airport

If you are thinking about moving to Las Vegas bring ‘cash’ (not me I am already here) keeps our town green.

Las Vegas maybe the greatest Creative Real Estate market known in the entire creative investing kingdom.

5,000 people go out every month 5,000 people come in every month.

Those house owners that roll the dice, or pull the handles sometimes get in trouble, or what I refer to as 'motivated sellers'.

On the other hand those that do win, have the 'Cash' to purchase homes or are 'motivate buyers'.

When I first left the Marine Corps my first job while waiting for an Engineering Position with Central Telephone Company now called Sprint was as a 'gas jockey' at Ted Wein's Texaco Station at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Oakey.

This is where I first learned about 'motivated sellers. I worked the graveyard shift pumping gas. The visitors were mainly from Los Angeles, when they were not so lucky they needed a tank of gas to return home to tell their stories about how much they won (LOL) to their friends and neighbors. This is what keep's them coming back folk's.

The conversation went something like this " would you be interested in my watch, spare tire, diamond ring etc. in trade for a tank of gas to get home" 'motivated seller'. Being the creative investor that I am I would take the merchandise in trade for a tank of gas to get them home, then in turn find a 'motivated buyer' in the next car that pulled in who was lucky and got luckier with the deal I offered him.

If anyone puts their investing knowledge to work for them in Las Vegas, it is the place to be for Creative Real Estate Investing.

If I can help answer a few questions about Las Vegas, you can find me at many of the Casino's looking for those ‘Subject To motivated sellers and motivated buyers'.

If you do not move here, I bet your city has these people also, just check the flights returning from Las Vegas.

John $Cash$ Locke


  • AvidInvestments14th February, 2004

    Thanks John!

    Gret Idea. I may just go down to the Airport when scheduled flights return fron LV, and try this. Would you think a handheld sign would do the trick for getting their attention (unless they are looking down.)

    Great name, BTW. A&E selected John Locke (1632-1704) as the 18th most important person of the last 1000 years!


    • JohnLocke14th February, 2004 Reply


      I could have been ranked higher by A&E, but when they found out I hung out at airports and did Subject To deals, it was more than they were willing to go.

      Just p***** out I Buy Houses with your phone number on it buttons at the airport, I can see it now everyone in the airport would be wearing one.

      John $Cash$ Locke

  • DealerJo5th March, 2004

    A friend of mine moved to Las Vegas several years ago. She lived there for few years and is now back in Dallas. To HOT she sad but who care, she made over 100K on her LV 3 bdr. house, selling it moth ago. In her words the prices of real estate are raising like crazy. Apparently, Vegas is not what it use to be few years ago, when you could buy all kinds of deals for a real bargain like John sad above.

    After getting 5 backup offers, she sold her house for more then she asked for, right before leaving.

  • babyjb26th July, 2004

    hey locke I'm like you were , but I'm broke and barely can feed myself, thank you for inspiring me and to not trow the towel. I want to be like you one day.

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