Finding Investors With Cash ?

SS Forum, I'm pulling my hair out, tring to find cash buyers. My wife's like, " is there a course you can get on finding private investors ?"

I know there are courses and they talk about finding people with self directed IRA's ? or money otherwise, for them to get a better return with me, if I knew where they were.

But, I'm working on the banks time-line, with $20,000 + equity laying out there for cash buyers on two short sale deals and no takers.

The hundreds I've spent on ads must not be on an effective enough pitch.

( no REIA near by, Mid-Ohio- Equity Trust type companies with private investors on board can't make investment advice by pointing them to me, couldn't find reading or searching forums )

Any ideas on where to find buyers and how ?



  • BAMZ26th November, 2003

    Hi Alan,

    You may have to consider becoming the cash buyer yourself by using a private money partner. This will take the stress away from having to sell the SS timeline. Take a look at this article:

    Best of Success!


  • thealmon26th November, 2003

    BAMZ, What a wonderful article.

    This is the perfect answer to my question and situation.

    NNOOWW Then, it just so happens one of the folks who called had given me a little bit of their private information, that their money would come from a line of credit on their free and clear home.

    ( You see Joel, how this forum stuff works ? Thanks, TCI )

    This couple may have balked at using so much of their cash to buy such big houses, for them to then hold and move on their own.
    But, when they see my exit statigies for finding end-users and financing them out with profit, PLUS giving them a return on some payments, we're all going to be a lot happier. ( it's time now to advertise for end-users, instead of wholesale buyers ).

    OK, this is a done deal, I've got some calls to make and meetings to arrange.

    Thank God for THE Break Through.

    And, Thank you, BAMZ. Your info packed, revelation in a very well written article is going to be the final Key, my friend, to my creative problem solving career.

    Thank you, very much,

    [ Edited by thealmon on Date 01/11/2004 ]

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