Finding A Wholesaler

I am new at this. Im a general contractor and I am looking for homes I can rehab and make nice profits after the sale. I really do not want to spend all my time finding homes? Is that what you guys do? How do I find a wholesaler in my area? Maybe one day I will want to find homes myself but I really enjoy working on the projects... I am looking to move to North Carolina, probably Raleigh, any info on that market. I have read a few posts and it seems that you guys find homes buy them and flip to another investor but leave enough equity for it to be a promising venture? Correct? All info. greatly appreciated..


  • virtent1st October, 2006

    If you just want to find a wholesaler and buy from them so you don’t have to spend the time and money locating the property, then you need to figure out who the real good wholesalers are who buy at a discount and pass on most of the profit to you. As the other person said go to the REIA club and ask questions from other rehabbers ( ) there is a list of groups. Also look for billboards and TV ad in your are of companies buying houses, most of them wholesale, get on their list. Do your due diligence because some do not leave enough “meat on the bone”. So make sure you find a good wholesaler. Good luck.

    Dan Stojadinovic
    ***Advertising Deleted***
    [ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 10/01/2006 ]

  • greg97061st October, 2006

    Thanks for the input.. One more question... Whats a considered a good percentage of equity left in the property before any improvements? I was thinking 20 - 25%

  • bargain7620th October, 2006

    If this possibility is a concern to you, cover it in your assignment contract.

  • bkar20th October, 2006

    To Bargain 76:

    Possibility of what?

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