Finding A Subto

any and all feed back is greatly appreciated on this question.

i have been mailing postcards to homes that i find that are empty or look uncared for every day (i drive neighborhoods daily), i have 2 ads running in the large paper and the free paper. i attend the rei meeting, but there were maybe 5 investors at the last one and it semed no one wanted to chat with anyone else - just came to hear speaker. also i am calling ads.

i have been doing these things for almost 3 months. i live in oklahoma, is anyone having any luck here writing subto deals.

can anyone tell me what i am missing doing to find homeowners that will call me. the gas for my car and ads are slowing but surely draning my resources to start this.

again, thank you for your help.


  • jfmlv195017th October, 2008

    According to your profile, you are in Irvine CA, yet you say you are in Oklahoma.

    Can’t speak about the market in Oklahoma, but if you were in Irvine you would have Sub To deals coming out of your ears. People are begging for someone to come in to take over their payments. There are bandit signs in Las Vegas to please take over my payments.

    Maybe change your advertising and who you are sending to, to reflect the current market conditions.

    One thing to remember is that we are in the "PEOPLE" business vice the "HOUSE" business.

    If you send to empty houses, who is going to pick up and read your message???

    John (LV)

    [ Edited by jfmlv1950 on Date 10/17/2008 ]

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