Finding A Real Estate Agent

Wanted to find out what peoples suggestions are in locating a experienced RE agent that I would be able to rely on for multiple facets of RE investing.

I have read and come across the suggestion of placing an add in the paper to locate a RE agent that would be able to help look for Rehabs through the MLS.

Any suggestions, or anybody willing to share how they came across the RE Agent they use, or suggestions on finding one that would be geared towards finding Rehab projects - maybe suggestions on wording for putting an add in the paper ?
[ Edited by pghinvestor on Date 06/02/2005 ]


  • Palmguy302nd June, 2005

    Best advise i can give you either become one or get your wife to become one. It is very difficult to find investor friendly realtors. Do a google seach on google or yahoo for a realtor in your area if you dont have time to become one
    Good Luck!!

  • ray_higdon2nd June, 2005

    The same answer would go in regards to almost any member of your power team, go to your local real estate investor clubs and ask around

  • LetsPlayTwister3rd June, 2005

    Happy, Thank you for the very detailed and helpful response! I feel at least a little better about going forward. This is exactly the info I was needing to help in the decision-making process. Cheers!

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