Financing for me?

My situation right now is that i am looking for someone who will finance me (under 100k) w/o going into my work background and my income which is low, but i have great credit and am great on managing money. I tried to acquire a property through a realtor and i needed financing before i could start. I called a financing number out of I.W.S (Internatiol Wealth and Success) by tyy hicks, and one number was false and the other said i need to have a property lined up and then just hung up, very unhelpful. I am looking for a lender that can lend me as close to 100% as possible or maybe 2 lenders. Only i Know my desire to be an invester and i wish lenders could base it upon that. Anyway if anyone can help me it'd be great to have a list or something definite. If i couldn't afford payments, as in no renters, i could move in. I pay 525 amonth now for rent. So if anyone of the team here can thats great thanx, have a splendid day. cool smile


  • bqlauer15th May, 2003

    Why not find a good multifamily unit and move in as owner occupied?

    You probably won't find a 100% NOO lender, I haven't.

  • PositiveDestiny15th May, 2003


    I'd like to chat with you about your lack of success so far in finding a 100% NOO lender--I may be able to help.


  • rajwarrior15th May, 2003


    Have you thought about the creative methods of financing such as subject to, lease options, and plain ol' birddogging to increase your cash?

    These are viable options to lender financing. Simply read up on the technique before doing.


  • KyleGatton16th May, 2003

    If you are looking to flip the house immediately I have someone that will loan the money up to 90K and split the profits with you. If you are looking for a long term investment, Email me your credit score, and what state you live in and I can get you more info.


  • InActive_Account16th May, 2003


    100% is out there but the lenders are very carefull about who they will do these deals with. They require great credit, income and cash reserves. And the rates are high.

    95% is easier to qualify for and the rates are better.

    90% easy to do and you can get very good rates.

    You could always do a few birddog deals to build up cash then put that down on loang term hold properties.

    Or buy without using a lender. This can be the cheapest way.

  • mdreamer18th May, 2003

    Thanks for all of your help, I have a few things to look into now. i appreciate it.

  • tommyboy250018th May, 2003

    You could get a 95% NOO with no seasoning of funds ( 5% ) but rate is a little high ? but you can

  • KP18th May, 2003

    Sorry to repeat things but why go through lenders at all? If you are as motivated as you sound set out to learn how to do no money down, owner financing, subject to, or any of the myriad ways to invest without lenders. You can do it probably easier than finding a lender to lend 100% without checking your employment, cash reserves, etc.

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