Financial Calculators For PalmOS?

Does anyone have any financial calculators for the Palm OS that they like? I have templates set up in Excel, but was wondering what software other investors were using for this.




  • jeff1200230th June, 2004

    If you're looking for a freebie that will calculate mortgage payments, you can use "carolina calc" I have something called KK-12C which has all of the function of an HP-12C financial calculator. The Calculator costs around $80 and the palm app costs $25 and works identically. find both by doing a search on Google of some other search engine

  • InActive_Account30th June, 2004


    Thanks. I'll search for the Palm version.

    I had heard from a Carleton Sheets audio course that it was beneficial to have a financial calculator. Personally, I have never seen or used one, as I've always plugged these numbers into Excel.

    You obviously have some experieince with these. Do you find yourself using these very much?



  • jeff1200230th June, 2004

    Yes, I do!
    If you ever get involved in Wraps etc. you will too. People will want to know how much their montlhly payments will be, and what would their payoff amount be etc. If you get involved with buying paper they are an invaluable tool.
    Excell spreadsheets are great, and they work fine, however they are not able to deal permutations to the basic formula you enter.
    I am a fan of Excell too, but sometimes it takes too long to create a series of spreadsheets to answer all of your questions, or compare possible results of different investment stragegies.

  • InActive_Account1st July, 2004


    Thanks for the input. I found the kk-12c you mentioned and downloaded it. It looks really "pretty" (the last one I looked at a couple of months ago was pretty cheap looking and they wanted $80).

    I guess it's time to learn Revers Polish Notation.

    Thanks again for your help.


  • InActive_Account1st July, 2004


    Do you have any suggestions for good books/web sites for using the kk12C calculator? I downloaded the HP12C manual last night, and though it looks really good, it seems like some of the buttons they ask me to click don't exist (or I just can't find them).

    I know there are several sites that contain basic information on RPN, but I was hoping for a page that might show basic RE functions. Other than a general web search, do you know of any sites off of the top of your head?



  • jeff120021st July, 2004

    There's a third party book titled "An easy course in using the HP-12C" By Chris Coffin and Ted Wadman. I found it more useful than the HP Manual.

  • InActive_Account1st July, 2004


    Thanks. I'll check it out. So far, from what I've played with, this looks like a really neat project. You're right, doing some of this stuff would take too much time if you were out in the field.



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