I actually spoke with the lender by phone; my contact referred me to the lady who takes the apps and sends them forward for approval. That woman called me back withing 45 minutes saying that it had been approved and we set a date to go to closing. I had to push that date back after the initial "discussion" (Duck!) with my wife. Then I told them we would not be going to closing.

I understand the value of keeping accounts open, rather than closing them, if they have a zero balance.

But this one was never opened, at least the way I see it.



  • fmmp30th October, 2004


    So what is it you are asking?

  • hsosa71759th November, 2004

    its ok, although you might want to reconsider the refi. rates are good right now. historically speaking.

  • SmileyFace9th November, 2004

    What are you talking about? Did you apply for a mortgage loan? If you did, how could they schedule a closing date on the first day that you talked to them. It does not make any sense. Did you give them any documents? Did you sign any documents? If you applied for equlity line, it is possible though.

  • SmileyFace9th November, 2004

    [ Edited by SmileyFace on Date 11/09/2004 ]

  • bogie71299th November, 2004

    Please see the original question. Thanks.

  • bogie71299th November, 2004

    Please see the original question. Thanks.

  • SmileyFace10th November, 2004

    I still don't totally understand what you are asking, but I am assuming that you are asking what happened your credit score after you applied for the loan. Is that right? You did not close. That means the account was never opened, So you don't have to worry about that.

    I would assume that the lender or broker pulled your credit at least once or twice. Those inquires can lower your credit scores a few points.

  • bogie712910th November, 2004

    Thanks, Smiley,

    That is exactly what I was wondering. The lender pulled my credit score a few months ago when we did a re-fi. The broker told us at that time the our credit was excellent, but she didn't remember what the score was. So I figured I would try for a HOLOE, which made two hits on the credit report by the same lender. And since all I did on the HOLOE was done by telephone and we never went to closing I wondered what I might have done to my score.


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