Saving Work


I keep putting a bunch of effort into writing a post, then hit submit only to get the "cannot connect to database" error message. Which translates as kiss your work goodby.

Although this has happened to me at least a hundred times, somehow I never remember to copy my work before I post. Is there any way you can cause the site to "remember" your work when you hit the "back" command?




  • d_random2nd April, 2008

    When I write a long post I usually copy it, been burned too many times.

  • otter12nd April, 2008

    I always draft in word and then cut and past. I have been hosed on this and other websites on that deal.

  • JohnLocke26th May, 2008


    I am a Moderator on several discussion boards, so the reason for my Global Moderator post is evidenced by posters who do not adhere to the Forum Rules, because sometimes they see the rules broken in another forum and think it is allowed, especially if the post is not Moderated in a timely manner.

    Then there are the ones who are just Board Hustling like JohnCREI, just because he sells a product here, he must think he is above the rules as I have edited his posts several time for breaking the rules.

    I also receive Private Messages as to why a posters post was deleted, I always answer back and explain why. One way is to for a Moderator to just send a link to the Forum Rules to a poster who did not adhere to them through a Private Message.

    The vast majority of the posters here are very good about adhering to the rules and they are to be commended, however we do have the posters who are out to Board Hustle the new person, as evidenced several times in years past. Part of our job is to protect the Board Members as best we can.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • cjmazur18th June, 2008

    I think making it making it opt in would address many concerns

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