Fast Financing

Is it possible to close faster than 30 days through a conventional lender. grin


  • gmoney6918th October, 2004


  • gmoney6918th October, 2004

    It all depends on appraisal time, underwriters stipulations for loan to close, etc. 30 days shouldn't be a problem whether it be conventional or non-conventional. The lender holds most of the cards for closing, not your broker.

  • Lendinghand19th October, 2004

    yes, with gmoney's post in mind.. it can be done.. I just closed a purchase in 5 days.. apprsl took one day.. lender was subprime... very good processing, communication, loan package was complete, only conditions i needed to close was payoff, and a private VOR.. easy as 1,2,3.

  • Lendinghand19th October, 2004

    also have several conforming lenders that have fast and lite doc programs that may not require appraisal at all..

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