Export Homes, Cashing In On The Immigrant Population.

This is a dream of mine....

I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with prefab export homes?

I was thinking that I could buy land near immigrant enclaves and have my export homes built there.

The manufacturer of these export houses requires a 50 house min purchase. At around 6k per house this would be a 300k purchase. I would like to rent them at $400 per month giving me a monthly cash flow of 20k.

1.DOes this seem like a good idea?
2.Can anyone point me to any other export home builders that dont req such a large min purchase? cool grin


  • Birddog119th October, 2003


    I would be interested in possibly working a deal with you to help with the project. let me know if interested

  • rcummings26th October, 2003

    That sounds like a good idea....but have you done your homework? Have you checked to see what the cost would be to ship the homes over to your country of choice? Have you checked with the governement for permits/licenses/requirements for starting in your new country....Do you have to be a citizen or any other form of resident? will you have to pay the government any money for doing this.

    Someone has to pay the fees to ship them and set them up as well as connect any plumbing, electric and whatever else is needed. Will you buy the land or lease/rent...

    Sorry for all the questions...just curious

  • Ruman9th December, 2003

    If the deal worked out financially, I don't think the min purchase would be a big deal... people would join in with you.

  • DougONM16th December, 2003

    I'm not clear what your plan is. You want to ship the homes out of the country?

  • MrMike17th December, 2003

    I am not understanding either but you have peaked my interest

    You say immigrant population so you are talking about people who have immigrated to the US?

  • MrMike17th December, 2003

    On 2003-10-06 09:40, SELF_MADE_MAN wrote:
    This is a dream of mine....

    I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with prefab export homes?

    I was thinking that I could buy land near immigrant enclaves and have my export homes built there.

    The manufacturer of these export houses requires a 50 house min purchase. At around 6k per house this would be a 300k purchase. I would like to rent them at $400 per month giving me a monthly cash flow of 20k.

    1.DOes this seem like a good idea?
    2.Can anyone point me to any other export home builders that dont req such a large min purchase? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

    Your 20K cash flow should take into consideration taxes, insurance, cost of the land to build on, cost of a foundation, repairs, management of 50 rentals, cost of placing the houses on the land, vacancies and so forth.

    It is hard to believe that a 6Khouse would pass local building codes without some serious upgrades but if it does count me in.

  • champak6th January, 2004

    Please call me at home on weekend - 770 879 8913 - I am in Stone MOuntain, Georgia - where can you get a MH for $6,000 - does it come in a box or on wheels ? we ahve to do a feasibility study -

  • Hawthorn6th January, 2004

    Having spend (too?) many years of my financial career in lesser developed countries, I have seen too many well-intended lower cost housing projects such as you describe get bogged down in a swamp of regulations, lack of cooperation of local govt. and banks in the host country, corruption bend small time politicians and serious losses for the entrepreneurs.
    Having said that, yes, ofcourse, there is a market, and yes, it can be profitable.
    But whatever host-country you select, I recommend some serious planning and a few well-connected and financially strong local partners who can get things done at the local level. And then learn to live with the fact that the only constant is change.
    The most succesful projects as a rule, were small pockets, of upper middle class houses, 1600 sf and up, with all the modern amenities included.
    And finally, make sure that everything is in place to allow you to take your profits out of the country.
    I sincerely think that there are easier ways to make an honest buck.


  • Lufos6th January, 2004

    Self Made Man. A living example of Unskilled Labor.

    You want to go where the recently arrived immigrants gather and there erect an export model $6,000 home and charge the newly arrived families $400 a month! You wish to keep them all in the same location and create in essence a very depressed area..

    A bit anti social don't you think? Do you not feel that this might create a slum of the future?

    Perhaps a re reading of the base writing on the Statute of Liberty might be in order. Lets see I think it is in the Third Grade we do that little bit. Have you forgotten so fast? From the calibre of your thinking I would assume it was some time in the last three years.

    Perhaps you have not noticed Feudal Times are past. We do not maintain an oppressed ethnic grouping anymore. We have found out that it gives rise to problems so enormous as to warp and twist the rest of our society.

    Have your other businesses been terminated? I seem to remember that you used to give away nickel bags around school yards. Thus supplying you with a constant crew of addicted street dealers

    I am too hard on you, please foregive me, your symptomatic behavor
    may be indicative of some medical problem, perhaps Tertiary Syphillis, I am sure you will say that you caught it from a lamp post.

    Sadly Lucius

  • Lufos6th January, 2004

    Well, I was wondering who was on the opposite side of the coin in housing the newly arrived immigrant .

    So you are the one who is building the slums of the future. I mean after all $6,000 yip and only $400 a month. A lover of mankind. What do you do give the youngsters the guns, then sell them the amunition? Oh I remember you used to hang around the schools giving away nickel bags to first time users. Rather clever you gain heavy street dealers and then as a side business you collect all the early trick turn outs and wholesale them to the pimps.

    Enclaves of the Immigrants, You know my socialy maladjusted person. You should instead concentrate in the blending of the newly arrived into communities of those who have been here a few generations. That way you cut down on the gunfire in the inner cities and I can finaly go to the 7/11 without making all the funny little signs so they know I am living in the hood.

    Ah well evidence of an early social failure. You probably started tearing the wings off flys and have now adjusted to inflicting on the newly arrived all the things that most of them tried to leave behind.

    I guess that stuff written on the base of the Satute of Liberty is just one of the hurdles you had to endure to get out of the second grade.

    But then this type of thinking is typical of those who have been conditioned by poverty, lack of early guidence or perhaps it is an accellerated sympton of Tertiary Syphillis which I assume you are going to tell us you caught from a lamp post.

    Piddled Off Lucius

  • gamado6th January, 2004

    I don't think that your newly arrived immigrants exist, the borders here are shut tighter than.... I'll leave the analogy to you.
    Moreover, here in NY, where there is a considerable immigrant population, most immigrants rent housing for less than $400 a month. That's pretty high. Usually you can find the basement filled with cots, 2 families to a studio, that type of deal.
    Quick story- I had a tenant- just came to the US from el salvador. He lived in on part of a 2 family house in jamaica. I went to collect rent 1 month into the lease, and sure enough, I see about 50 people all around my house. They weren't partying, or doing anything socially unacceptable, but they were still there, and my other tenant was complaining. So, I came the next day with a baseball bat, and one of the 50 people let me in. Sure enough, about 15 cots in the basement, and at least 3 cots in each room- kitchen, den, living room, etc... Must've been about 25 cots in the place. I ask the tenant what they were for... response:

    "I collect beds"

    The only thing I collect is rent money. Brandishing the baseball bat, I evicted without cause, etc... No suits were filed. Hmm.. Now I rented the place to a nice family, and I have no porblems.

    I did a little math, the guy was charging $50 a week per bed. He had 25 beds (at least) in the place, he was clearing 1250 a week cash. I was charging 1200 a month rent, he was profiting the rest.

    Good luck buddy.

  • JohnLocke6th January, 2004

    To all of you who jumped on this band wagon, here is a quote from Self_Made_Man.

    "I'm in college and had to live off of credit for a while. Most of my accounts are in collections. I believe I owe about $10,ooo.
    I plan to pay all of this off in the next year in a half."

    Better yet spending some time in Florida, I have come across some tremendous deals in land, a little wet but maybe you could build houses on stilts and out of palm leaves. I believe you could purchase an Air Boat and charge the immigrants for a ride to dry land daily additional income here.

    If this isn't appealing there is a well known bridge for sale. You could possibly enclose some of the trusse's then rent out space. Since the bridge is over water the immigrants could just get off the boat and be at home.

    Lucius you were to kind in your post, you need to let it all out, don't hold back so much.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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